How to Get Sweet Muscle Easily and Quickly

How to Get Sweet Muscle Easily and Quickly

Maybe they hit you in the face. Perhaps you have lost too many workable women for more robust men. Or maybe you’ve read so much about Effective weight loss tips that it’s actually a social taboo to admit that you want to gain weight.

For some reason, he wants to increase his volume.

But forget about your supposed high metabolism, says Doug Kaman, R.D., director of nutrition at Miami Research Associates. “Most thin men who cannot develop muscle weight eat and exercise wrongly,” he says.

Get Sweet Muscle

Do you have a Strong Drink?

A 2001 study at the University of Texas found that athletes who drank shakes before training with amino acids and carbohydrates increased protein synthesis more than those who drank the same shake after The shake contained 6 grams of essential amino acids, the protein blocks that make up the muscles and 35 grams of carbohydrates.

“As exercise increases blood flow to your work tissue, drinking a mixture of carbohydrates and protein shake before exercise can result in greater absorption of amino acids into your muscles,” says Kevin Tipton, Ph.D. practicing and nutrition researcher at the University of Texas at Galveston.

For you, you need about 20 grams of protein, usually about a tablespoon of whey protein powder. Can there be protein shakes? You can get the same nutrients from a sandwich with 4 ounces of cold cuts and a slice of American cheese on whole grain bread.

But a drink is better. “Liquid foods are absorbed faster,” says Kaman. It is Very strong drink 30 to 60 minutes before training.

The Physiology of Muscle Growth

Muscle GrowthAfter training, your body repairs or replaces damaged muscle fibers with a cellular process that melts muscle fibers into new muscle fibers or myofibrils. These repaired myofibrils increase in thickness and in number, leading to muscle hypertrophy (growth). 1 Muscle growth always occurs when the rate of muscle protein synthesis is greater than the rate of muscle protein breakdown. However, this adjustment does not take place while you lift the weights. Instead, it occurs while sitting.

So, how to add muscle to muscle cells? This is where the satellite cells enter and act as stem cells for your muscles. When activated, they help to add more nuclei to the muscle cells and thus directly contribute to the growth of myofibrils (muscle cells). The activation of these satellite cells can make the difference between what allows some “genetic monsters” to develop massive muscles and what makes other humans “hard winners”.

In one of the most interesting studies of the last 5 years, the researchers showed that those who were “extreme responders” to muscle growth, with an incredible 58% fiber hypertrophy of one exercise, had 23% of activation of their cells. The modest respondents, who had a growth of 28%, had a 19% activation of their satellite cells. However, it is interesting to note that some people called non-responders in the study had 0% growth while 0% of their satellite cells were activated. Therefore, the more you can activate these satellite cells, the more you can grow. The question is: how are these satellite cells activated to increase muscle growth?

How do Hormones Affect Muscle Growth?

Hormones are another component responsible for muscle growth and repair because of its role in regulating the activity of satellite cells. Growth factor (IGF) -1, especially mechanical growth factor (MGF) and testosterone are the two main mechanisms that promote muscle growth.

Testosterone is the main hormone in which most people think when they train with weights and seems to have some validity to believe that testosterone increases protein synthesis inhibits protein breakdown, activates satellite cells and stimulate other anabolic hormones. While most testosterone is bound to the body and is therefore not available for use (up to 98%), weight training seems to not only help release more testosterone but also receptors to make muscle cells are more sensitive to free testosterone. Testosterone can also increase growth hormone responses stimulating the presence of neurotransmitters in place to increase damaged fiber, which can help trigger tissue growth.

IGF regulates the amount of muscle mass to facilitate the synthesis of growth-promoting proteins by glucose uptake, partitioning the uptake of amino acids (the building blocks of proteins) into skeletal muscle and in turn, active satellite cells to increase muscle growth.

Author Bio:

Hey, this is Angela G. Neumann. Since 2013, I have provided various groups, organizations, and individuals with a wide range of health issues and wellness goals and nutrition programs to integrate health. Now I am working on Target Protein as a chief editor and writer. I am going to be a part of the admin of Nutrition Field very soon. My approach combines conventional health care, nutrition and a captivating connection of mind-body medicine.