Tag: Medication

5 Probable Reasons for Your Slow Metabolism and How to Fix It

5 Probable Reasons for Your Slow Metabolism and How to Fix It

I simply cannot recollect the number of times I have come across this statement. “I can’t lose weight. My metabolism is slow.” Over the years, whenever I have heard these statements from various individuals, I have only wondered about one question – How do you know your 

Medication Identifiers to Differentiate Between Fake and Real Drugs

Medication Identifiers to Differentiate Between Fake and Real Drugs

With numerous technological advancements, the healthcare industry has benefited from its core. First, the education sector excelled and now, doctors in every area are acquiring better skills and knowledge. Second, the treatment processes have evolved, and they are better than before. The 24/7 availability of 

Is That Heartburn Bugging You? Here’s How You Get It Under Control

Is That Heartburn Bugging You? Here’s How You Get It Under Control

Food is something we live for. The culinary upheaval that has happened globally which includes TV shows, fusion cuisines, new dishes etc. have certainly given us a lot of choices for eating. But, those choices are not always healthy. With our lives getting busier and