5 Amazing Benefits of Vitamins You Didn’t Know

5 Amazing Benefits of Vitamins You Didn’t Know

Vitamins and Minerals are essential nutrients for Human Body because they perform many important functions in our body. We only need a small amount of these vitamins and minerals but failing to even get that amount can cause a lot of health problems.


Also, there is a fine threshold between amounts of nutrients that are healthy and getting too much which can result in harmful effects on you. A healthy and balanced diet along with personalized multivitamins from Rootine is the best way to get the right amount of vitamins and minerals that your body requires.


Every Single Day our Body Produces Muscles, Skin, and Bones. It boosts out fresh red blood that carries oxygen and nutrients to different parts of our body. It also sends signals through our nervous system across miles of the body and brain.


Your body also translates chemical messages sent from one organ to another. So, in order to perform all these functions, your body requires fuel and raw material which it cannot manufacture on its own. It requires nearly 30 different minerals, vitamins, and dietary components. Let’s take a look at 5 of the most important benefits of Vitamins.


  1. EyeSight and Fighting Bugs:


Vitamin E is known by many for its role in better eye health. But we should also consider the fact that it is an amazing Anti-Oxidant that boosts your Immunity system. It also helps our body in fighting against diseases and infections. This vitamin is also beneficial for your skin. All things green and leafy contains Vitamin E like Nuts, Soybeans, eggs, etc. With Age your eyesight gets weaker and weaker, also you may develop Night Blindness, known as Nyctalopia.


Vitamin A can help you fight these situations. Vitamin A is required to convert the Light that falls on your eye into Electrical signals that could be sent to your Brain for processing. Vitamin A is a major Component of Pigment Rhodopsin, the liquid inside your retina that is extremely sensitive to light. You may be able to see normally and properly in a day but struggle to see properly at night, this is when you should consider increasing your Vitamin A intake.


We just discussed the Immunity system and you should be happy to know that Vitamin A helps in boosting your Body’s Natural Defenses. Your Body supports Mucous Barriers in Lungs, Eyes, Guts, and Genitals to help protect your body from bacteria and infections. It also enhances the production of White Blood Cells as these help in capturing and Clearing Bacteria from your Blood.


  1. Staying Young and fighting Time:


Collagen is produced by our bodies but this ability to create collagen is decreased with age and wrinkles and other marks start to appear on your body. In order to fight against Time and help prevent wrinkles and other problems like dull Hair and Joint Pains, you should start consuming more cabbage. If cabbage is not one of the things you like then try olives. Acne is a common Skin Problem that causes your skin to become inflamed. These painful spots and blackheads can develop on your face, chest, and back. These spots are rather harmless but can result in depression or low self-esteem. This is caused by a deficiency of Vitamin A. So you should use Vitamin A based medication to fight against such conditions.


  1. Keeping your Blood Pressures and sleep normally:


Magnesium is another great component. Deficiency of which can disturb your sleep and even Blood Pressure. You can even experience cramps and spasms. You can get this vitamin from seeds, nuts, and bananas. In America, around one-third of Adults got High Blood Pressure, which puts them at risk of heart diseases as well. This can even result in death. According to researchers, Vitamin C can help in relaxing Blood Vessels so that they can carry the blood from the heart to different organs much more easily. Heart Disease is the number one cause of death among people around the world. Factors such as High Blood Pressure, Lower Good Cholesterols, and Higher Bad Cholesterols can all increase the chances of Heart Diseases. And the Good news is that Vitamin C can help reduce all these Factors.


Gout is a type of Arthritis which is really painful and makes joints inflamed especially your toes, the big ones. You can experience severe attacks of pain as well. The main culprit here is higher Uric Acid in your blood, which is a waste produced by your body. Interestingly, studies have shown that Vitamin C can also help in reducing levels of Uric Acid in your Blood.


  1. Prevention of Hair loss and Depressions:


Inflamed Skin, Hair Loss and depression are all signs that appear when you are not getting enough Biotin or Vitamin B7. So start eating more Cauliflower, spinach, egg yolks, and Salmon Fish so that your B7 levels are boosted. Peanut Butter is also an awesome source of Vitamin B7 aka Biotin.


  1. Strong Bones, Birth Defects and Healthy Teeth:


A combination of Vitamins like Calcium, Vitamin K, Vitamin D, Phosphorus, and Magnesium helps in protecting your Bones against diseases and Fractures. Consuming Folic Acid during pregnancy helps in the prevention of Spinal and Brain defects in newborn children.


Also, Mineral Fluoride is a vitamin that helps in bone formation and also prevents cavities from starting or worsening. Vitamin A is also required to keep bones healthy, it is needed for proper growth and development of bones. People with a good amount of Vitamin A are at a lower risk of Bone Fractures and other Bones related diseases as compared to those with a deficiency. But care should be taken as too much intake of Vitamin A is also bad for bones.


Reproductive System in Men and Women is also aided by Vitamin A. This Vitamin ensures normal development and Growth of Embryos during pregnancy. Several tests on animals have shown that deficiency of Vitamin A can cause deficiencies in the Reproductive system. This can affect both men and women. Even New Born children get help from Vitamin A for growing and developing their organs.


About Author:


Laura Edward a graduate from San Diego State University, and currently a content contributor at Nano Hearing Aids and Apricot Power. Laura has been writing for magazines and websites since 2015 and loves to write about different new things. In her spare time, she read books, listens to music, and writes a new blog post. Follow her on Twitter.