5 Types of Assistive Devices for the Elderly and Its Uses

5 Types of Assistive Devices for the Elderly and Its Uses

Physical skills and self-care abilities progressively deteriorate as people become older. Various kinds of assistive devices may be used by the elderly to aid with everyday tasks and preserve functional ability amidst physiological and cognitive deterioration. Caregivers may choose suitable assistive devices based on the elderly’s requirements, allowing them to live securely, freely, and joyfully, increasing their confidence and ability to function daily. Buy your elderly family member a elderly chair from Ergo Tune AU to keep them relaxed and comfortable.


Assistive devices are a broad range of tools, gadgets, and technology intended to assist individuals in doing a particular task. Functionality and security are ongoing concerns for many older relatives who reside in their own houses.


Elders’ declining mobility and loss of balance may lead to falls that cause severe injuries and formerly easy activities, including getting up in the morning, clothing, and conducting grooming habits, becoming more complex, making assistive devices an essential tool for the elderly.




For a healthy individual, getting out of bed is not a problem. However, for the elderly, it is a challenge they face every day.  These devices can be used without help from other people, making them beneficial to those who live alone. To know more, visit https://www.activemobility.com.au/ and explore more options that cater to your specific needs.


  • Bed Handle- This helpful assistive device is designed for those who have restricted mobility and cannot get up from their bed without a piece of stable equipment. The device may also assist seniors who use wheelchairs in transferring from their bed to their wheelchair.


  • Self-Turning Beds- This is for individuals who have to be turned to their side on regularly to avoid bed sores. This device is also beneficial for mobility-impaired or overweight older adults who need to be changed into a much more secure and comfortable sleeping position.




Most grooming activities happen in the bathroom. Hygiene is essential to maintain as it can avoid any foul odor and uplift the mood. For elderlies who need assistance doing so, here are some examples of devices that they can utilize.


  • Bathroom Rails- It may be mounted directly or bolted to the wall. To guarantee the user’s safety, ensure the rails are securely installed and at the proper height or location. Grasp the rail for stability when standing up in the shower or going in and out of the bathtub.


  • Bath Chairs This item is used to sit on when showering or bathing. Because they do not have to stand all of the time, the elderly may conserve energy. Furthermore, incidents such as falling or sliding will be avoided.




For most people, cooking is a therapeutic hobby. It is also true for our beloved seniors.  Being in the kitchen may be challenging for them. As a result, they may not perform their tasks well, or accidents can happen. Luckily, these devices are available to aid them.


  • Openers That Serve Several Purposes- This device is for opening different types of covers. A versatile opener is intended to work with various lids, such as twist-off glass and metal lids. Some openers come with a tool for opening caps on drinks and canned foods.


  • Anti-Cut Kitchen Knife- This tool is made of plastic that works just like a regular metal knife. It avoids cuts and other injuries when the person using it does not have steady hands.


For Transport


Moving from place to place is a daily struggle for the elderly. Due to weak bones and loss of stability, they may be prone to injury when moving or walking. To provide them with autonomy and freedom to move, assistive devices for transport are a must. Here are some examples:


  • Wheelchair- A wheelchair is used for those who are not able to walk or stand. It is a convenient device to get to places with or without the help of other people. In addition, it is also used not just indoors but also outdoors. For example, going to a doctor’s appointment or strolling in malls.


  • Mobility Scooter- Mobility scooters may provide older people who struggle with day-to-day tasks a new sense of independence. They’re a fantastic method to reclaim their freedom. This device could be electric or battery operated.


For Hearing


Most older adults have difficulty hearing due to old age. It is incredibly challenging as hearing is one of the most important senses. It may cause them to be unaware of their surroundings, making it a hazard when in a crowded place an emergency happens or when crossing the street and they cannot hear the vehicles.



  • Hearing Aid- A hearing aid is a battery-operated electrical device that helps people hear better. It’s compact enough to use inside or behind the ear and amplifies certain sounds. It may aid elders in hearing better in both calm and loud situations.




Although older adults may utilize many different kinds of assistive devices, most assistive devices are chosen depending on the individual’s requirements. Physicians, physical therapists, and family members should all be consulted by older people. These tools will not only make their daily life more straightforward, but they will also help them prevent mishaps.