6 Crucial Training That Both Companies and Employees Would Benefit From

6 Crucial Training That Both Companies and Employees Would Benefit From

Training offers an opportunity for employees to expand their knowledge beyond their current tasks, making them well-equipped for helping a company grow. Despite this, many employers find it difficult to spare some of their earnings for employee training. This is mainly because of the fees to be paid and the work time employees miss out on during training sessions.


Even so, this doesn’t change the fact that companies should invest in employee training. Aside from dealing with employee weaknesses, this type of activity also offers a chance to improve employee performance.


Most of all, offering training to employees means that an employer is open to allowing his employees grow within the company. This will ensure that the team members know that they are valued, leaving them satisfied where they are. When this happens, employees develop a sense of loyalty to the organization and, ultimately, cultivate a positive work environment.


For you to take advantage of these benefits, you must make sure that you choose the right courses for your employees. To help you out, here are six types of training that will bolster both employee and company success, no matter what industry you’re in:


1.   Communication Training


Communication is the key to the success of any relationship. This is the very reason why marriage counselors target this aspect of a romantic partnership first and foremost.


Businesses are much like a romantic relationship in the sense that it requires open communication for a better understanding of the other person’s thoughts and feelings. In this case, the other person can be a co-worker, a client, or a business partner.


If your employees are well-trained in the craft of verbal and nonverbal communication, they will go a long way in helping your company reach more clients and partners. Alternatively, ineffective communication leads to unhealthy work relationships that eventually wreak havoc in the workplace.


The main difference between a poor communicator and a good one is how they balance talking and listening. While the former tends to believe that speaking is more crucial, good communicators pay attention to the points of view of all the involved and listen closely to pinpoint the root of the problem. This makes them better equipped to handle crucial tasks like decision-making.


On top of that, good communicators command respect from their colleagues. After all, who wouldn’t like a person who listens to your suggestions and opinion, regardless of your position? This is a quality that makes for an excellent leadership candidate, not to mention it fosters teamwork within the organization.


2.   Time Management Training


With the limited number of work hours on weekdays, a budding startup company might find it difficult to adjust to the workload with the existing number of employees. Some business owners choose to hire more people, while others give existing staff overtime work.


But hiring more people means giving more basic benefits and obligating existing employees to do overtime work can leave them exhausted and, possibly, burnt out. This is where time management training becomes very handy.


Since time is a valuable resource, you have to make sure your employees use it wisely. When they undergo time management training, they would be able to beat deadlines without sacrificing the quality of work or even their health.


Time management training would also offer them a chance to learn how to distinguish the tasks that are urgent, as well as those that have a greater impact on the company. They would also be provided with tools and techniques to ensure productivity through focused and organized work.


3.   Leadership Training


When you look at your employees as potential leaders, you give them the best possible avenue so that they become the best they can be. Leadership coaching for women can be especially effective if you have women at your company that want to feel more confident in their leadership skills.


Remember that every company thrives or dies, depending on the quality of leadership. This means, if you plan to create an empire that could last through generations, you have to prepare future leaders to take on the role productively.


By offering leadership training, you provide your people with a chance to step up and, at the same time, secure your company’s future. With leaders who drive the company towards its mission while maintaining its values, you create more than just managers – you give employees someone to inspire and encourage them.


4.   Problem-Solving Training


Problems have a wide range of difficulties, especially when it comes to the business setup. Plus, the issues aren’t always as straightforward as you might hope, so your staff must know how to pinpoint the core of the issue to resolve the situation. With problem-solving training, your employees will be able to do this and more.


Excellent problem-solvers remain calm and composed during difficult times. This roots from their knowledge that, for every problem, there is a solution. This also makes them viable candidates for leadership as they become a beacon of hope for the rest of the team.


Some people may be born with this particular skill, but the good news is, the analytical ability to solve the most complicated issues can also be honed through training.


5.   Diversity Training


With the workplace becoming more diverse over the years, companies must ensure that their teams handle differences productively. This is where cultural diversity training can help you.


Aside from helping them with potential issues due to individual differences, this type of training can also arm them with the proper tools to embrace diversity within the company.


6.   Critical Thinking


In a modern workplace setup, no company can get anywhere with a band of yes-men in the wheels.


People who just do what they’re told may seem like they are easier to manage since they don’t argue with you. However, your company would gain more if your people process the information they’re given first. Those who ask questions are more likely to have the potential to become leaders and aid a forward-thinking company to progress.


This is because employees who evaluate the information that they’re given can also make crucial decisions that save a lot of time, effort, and costs. Not only do they provide good output, but they also innovate, improve processes, and determine team pain points to help the company become better.


A Final Thought


Offering training to employees is an excellent use of your money because it has a long-term effect on the company. To make sure your employees can do more than what is expected of them, give them access to skills training like those listed in this article. This will also help you to ensure that your company’s future remains bright.




Salma El-Shurafa is an experienced Executive Coach and founder of The Pathway Project. She is a Professional Certified Coach by the International Coaching Federation (ICF), a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach from The Coaches Training Institute (CTI) and a graduate of CTI’s Co-Active Leadership program.