6 Hair Care Tips to Follow in Pregnancy

6 Hair Care Tips to Follow in Pregnancy

Pregnancy, the most awaited time in a woman’s life comes with its share of emotional and physical changes. Just as time changes, you tend to see how your body changes with time. This change can vary from women to women.


No matter how it goes for you, there are certain things every woman tends to experience. Physical changes, riding this emotional rollercoaster, behavioural changes and whatnot. One of the most common consequences of pregnancy include changes in hair growth. There are evident hair changes women experience during pregnancy, said a renowned gynecologist in Karachi.


Pregnancy Hair Care Tips


Women are quite concerned about their hair when they are expecting. From changing basic hair care to the choice of hair treatment everything comes as a question to them. No matter how you want or try it, there are things about your hair pattern changes that you can’t avoid.


Here are the tips to help that can help to protect and grow your hair during pregnancy.


1- Massaging


There are countless benefits of scalp massage for hair growth and this massage is equally beneficial in pregnancy. Scalp massage not only regulates blood circulation in your scalp promoting hair growth but also releases tension and helps you sleep better. You can take any oil of your choice, massage it on your scalp and leave it for at least one hour before washing. To get maximum benefit, it is advisable to leave the oil in your hair overnight.


2- Avoiding hair treatments


Hair treatments come and go and you can be obsessed with these coolest hair trends and fashion. When it comes to the choice of treatment that you might feel tempted towards, there is a dire need to consider all aspects that help you to make an informed decision. When you are expecting, your hair is prone to damage so it is recommended to avoid any such treatments especially chemical ones to protect your hair.


3- Know your hair and scalp


Hair can be as different as people themselves are. A person’s scalp and hair can be different from one other with special requirements. Depending upon your hair and scalp type, your hair care routine and treatments can differ. Thus, it is better to have an idea about your hair and scalp so you can make choices accordingly without damaging your hair.


4- Eat your way to healthy hair


The food you eat affects many different aspects of your health and it also includes your hair health. If you want to prevent your hair damage and hair loss during pregnancy, it is better to eat nutritionally adequate food. Food is important because one of the prominent causes of hair loss is the deficiency of different nutrients. This type of hair loss can only be prevented by fulfilling your dietary requirements.


5- Don’t take the stress


You will be surprised to know that stress can play a major role in determining your hair growth. When you are stressed, your hair is more prone to damage and hair loss. Stress is one of the important triggers of hair loss that can be damaging for your hair. Try to manage your stress levels if you don’t want to lose your hair and want to enjoy these luscious hair locks for longer times. Try relaxing techniques, meditate or breathing exercise to help you with stress management.


6- Rice water and fenugreek seeds


When it comes to hair care, home remedies are unstable and countless. Not all of them are effective and many of these can be safely used to boost hair growth. You can use fenugreek seeds and rice water to boost hair growth. Either use a fenugreek mask, apply rice water or use seeds oil, in all ways it can support your hair growth.


Bottom Line!


Hair is important for obvious reasons and there are many things that can take a toll on your hair health. During pregnancy, hair health can get negatively affected. While talking about the hair care benefits, all of these tips can surely help you. However, if you are observing constant hair fall or witnessing damaged hair, it is better to seek out help from your physician.