How to deal with the 8-10 month sleep regression

How to deal with the 8-10 month sleep regression

When babies hit or reach 8, 9 or 10 months of age, then they often experience a temporary kind of sleep disturbance mode.

Sleep regression is one of the popular yet one of the frustrating issues which are often experienced by parents. Almost all parents have to face this issue at one point or another.

You might be wondering how to deal with baby sleep regressions?

We will tell you.

We have explained the top ways and strategies.

It is true that with respect to your baby’s development and growth, then the concept of sleep regression comes out to be the normal part of this parenting equation.

Keep things as much normal as you can

Most importantly, if your baby has entered into the sleep regression mode, then make sure to keep things as much normal as you can.

Furthermore, there is no need to change or revise his bath time, bedtime story routine. On the other hands, parents need to become mentally prepared that things are not going to happen in a regular way or with the flow.

To deal with this troublesome problem, parents should work out with their baby’s newfound skills. Play together with them and make them mentally ready so that your baby can have a good night’s sleep.

Take out all distractions from your baby room

sleep regression

In addition, take out and remove all distractions from your baby room. Your baby room should not look stuffed and jam-packed. Stuffing your baby room will keep him distracted all the time.

And this way his sleeping patterns are going to be affected. Even more, stuffed baby rooms make them more exhausted and overtired.

Less stressed you are, calmer will be your baby

This is another important thing which you ave remember. Parents should not panic or stress out in these situations. Less stressed you are, calmer and happy will be your baby.

Parents should always remember that regressions do not last forever. This tough time may sooner pass. Stressed-out parents face a lot of difficulties to settle and calm down their babies.

Keep your baby room minimalistic

Most noteworthy, parents need to assure that their baby room looks minimalistic looking. It is specifically during this sleep regression mode that your baby is experiencing lots of milestones.

This generally includes language learning changes to physical changes, crawling and standing. Hence, keep your baby room as much minimalistic and simple looking as you can.

Avoid placing bright lights in your baby room. His room should not have any flashy toys or any sort of wacky wallpapers in it.

Give More Nighttime Sleep to your Baby

8 month sleep regression

The other effective way to deal with this sleep regression issue is to make your baby night bedtime a bit earlier. It means to focus on less napping and more on the nighttime sleep duration.

As soon as you notice that your baby is experiencing sleep disturbing patterns, then what you can do is to stretch and extend his night bedtime hours. Thus, your baby night bedtime should be longer than his napping time.

Adjust Your Baby Sleeping Routine Accordingly

Besides, you can make an effort to adjust your baby sleeping routine accordingly. This is done by noticing and observing the number of total sleeping hours your baby gets!

Adjusting his sleeping routine and schedule may work for you. This way, not only your baby but also the rest of the family members will get some quality sleep.

Play with your baby during his awake hours

Lastly, you should extensively play with your baby during his awake hours. Most probably, these awake hours are meant and designed so that you can play with your child. This is the ideal and best time to keep your child fully engaged and also busy.

Moreover, it is during this activity time that your baby can easily practice and also discover his new milestones and moves.


What else you want to know about 8-month sleep regression? Just keep on forwarding your queries and questions and we will reply them back to you.