An All-In-One Student Guide To Remote Learning

An All-In-One Student Guide To Remote Learning

Students today are faced with many challenges on top of the usual workload they have to cover. Given the changes brought about by the pandemic, students now need to abide by the new standard of schooling: either remote or distance learning.


As the name implies, remote or distance learning involves virtual education through an online platform. A video conferencing platform becomes the students’ classroom, and the homework and other assignments are sent online. This type of classwork presents new challenges for students; never in our history has this style of study transpired. Both student and teachers are wading through new territory, and it’s been said students have been affected both physically and mentally.


Despite the hurdles, there’s ways to cultivate this new way of unconventional class. There are many resources to guarantee academic success in the online world. Continue reading for one of the best guides on this topic.


Take Advantage Of Technology


Your online class doesn’t have to be your only avenue of gaining knowledge. Students are fortunate to have the advancements of technology right at their disposal. So, use this to your advantage.


For instance, it helps to have a group chat with your classmates about each subject. In a community discussion you can share resources and assist each other if a classmate has a learning disability. Communication is key, and just because you’re learning from home doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have good communication with your classmates. You can all work together to help each other, particularly if some concerns and queries need to be addressed.


Learning shouldn’t be limited to the four walls of the classroom, be it online or in person. Although your online classroom setting is a video conference session or your physical classroom is inside a building at a certain location, there’s still a myriad of opportunities for you to learn from.


Apart from online classes, another interactive mode of learning is through online tutorials. Having an online tutor for the subjects you struggle with can help keep you on track to ensure you don’t fall behind in your classes. Visit and other relevant websites to start your search for potential tutors.


Treat Your Online School As You Would Your Physical School


The first step to digital success is setting your mind up for success. Just because you’re learning from home and not in attendance at a physical school doesn’t mean what you’re learning is any less effective. It’s vital that right from the get-go, you set up your mind for success. This involves treating your online school as you would your physical school.


Creating this kind of mindset means that every day, when you wake up, you prep your mind and body as you would with physical classes. Make sure to do your daily hygiene tasks, eat breakfast, and, if necessary, change your clothes. These simple tasks can train your brain that you’re getting ready to take on a new day. Once you begin your online classes, give them the same amount of focus and dedication as you would if you were in class with a teacher physically present. Then, if there is homework, be sure to tackle them on the same day.


Don’t become complacent and lazy simply because you don’t have to leave the comfort of your home to attend class. What you’re learning will still be graded and assessed by your teacher, so put in more than enough effort to deserve a passing grade.


Practice Time Management


Distance learning has its own pros and cons. One strong disadvantage is you can easily get distracted at home. Perhaps you may end up on your social media accounts rather than logging in to your school conference account. Or, you won’t attend classes at all and just stay in bed. Maybe you won’t do your homework, even though the deadline for the assignment is near.


Even if you’re learning from home, you’ve got to manage your time wisely. In fact, it’s all the more pressing now that asynchronous modes of learning will continues past the pandemic strain. This could mean at times your teacher might leave you with practice or homework you will have to complete on your own.


Without proper time management, you’ll find it hard to keep up. Here are some best practices to apply to help you stay on task:


  • Keep a weekly and monthly calendar of your schedule. With a calendar, you can immediately write in the dates you’ve got homework and other deadlines. A written schedule will outline your other social activities that can circle around the days you don’t have any homework to do.


  • Practice time-blocking. Time-blocking refers to time you dedicate to freeing yourself from any distractions. If you’re working on something important, you can put up a sign on your door to not disturb you. The more you focus and minimize distractions, the faster you’ll get things done. Plus, the quality of your work could flourish if you have time to focus.


  • Commit to a fixed study schedule. Students typically have a fixed study schedule immediately following their online classes. This schedule can prevent you from relaxing too much and forgetting to study. It’s better to set your fixed schedule to small hours of study every day than to cram on exam or deadline days. By that time, you may have already forgotten concepts, or you won’t have enough time to fully study.


Remote Learning


Have A Designated Study Space


If you’ve got an extra space or room at home that you or your parents can designate as your study space, this can help immensely. If there are many of you learning at home, one room could be shared by you and your siblings as your homeschool or study room.


Having a dedicated study space will be more effective than studying in your own room because the temptation to slack off will be present. Think about your bed calling you to sleep or the television perhaps waving hello.


If you don’t already have a space designed for studying, here are some tips on how you can come up with an effective study room:


  • Ensure that the space or room has access to uninterrupted, fast connection


  • Stay organized and keep all books and other learning supplies readily accessible


  • If sharing a space, have good-quality, noise-canceling headphones for each person to use


  • Consider proper lighting


  • Try to have furniture that promotes productivity, such as a desk and ergonomic chair.




In the past, online learning used to be for students that couldn’t attend in person due to outlying reasons. Perhaps a student had to work or had familial responsibilities. Now, virtual learning has become the norm. As of late, physical classes have been quite limited, leaving many students with no choice but to attend classes virtually. Despite the changes, students have overcome and learned to adapt. With the failproof tips above, you’ll be well on your way to earning high marks in your classes online.