Baby Sleep Training and Cry It out Method

Baby Sleep Training and Cry It out Method

When it comes to baby’s routine, there are many methods for sleep training. Most people are not aware of these methods while others don’t train their babies.

As much is the sleep crucial for any baby, so is the sleep training. If not trained then the baby will end up sleeping at the anonymous time and will remain overtired.

Babies tend to grow and remain healthy when they get a sound night’s sleep. This is a major reason why you must train your baby. Yet another question that pops up is which training method is the best?

Baby Sleep Training

Today in this article, we will describe one of the best methods to opt for. So you can train your baby according to that method and share with you the relevant info.

What Is Cry It Out?

The name might bling the notion of leaving your baby to cry out till he sleeps on his own. But that is not how the method actually works, in fact, it is a lot different.

This approach means that if your baby cries then it is completely okay. You can let them cry for a short period and then comfort them.

We all know that babies are hard to tackle when it is sleep time. Since it is natural and quite expected that they would cry. Hence parents should let them have that little cry session.

Does It Work?

People often question if this method actually works. In most cases, yes, this method is a successful option and works on a majority.

The whole idea behind this method is to allow the baby to fall asleep on his own and soothe himself. Your baby can master this skill if you give him some time.

Some parents can’t take the crying part and end up comforting the child too soon. As a result the baby never learns how to sleep on his own and rely on the parents.

When the baby cries and you won’t come to soothe him, he will find a way to comfort himself. And this part helps in the night sleep too. Like adults, babies also wake up at night and once trained they would fall back asleep.

As some babies are habitual to sleep you rock them or nurse them. But with cry it out approach, when the baby wakes in the middle of the night. He won’t search for you and rather fall back asleep on his own.

Other Sleep Training Methods

There are also some more methods that might be helpful to train your baby.

  • The no-tears approach rather involves soothing the baby till he sleeps. Experts state that this method is more of a gradual approach.
  • The fading approach has a basic idea of self-soothing. The parents diminish each night like moving the chair away from the crib every night. The process continues until they fade away in the dark.

How to do it?

Baby Sleep Training

Once you think the baby is ready for his training, follow these steps.

  • While the baby is still awake but sleepy, put him in the crib.
  • Next, say him goodnight and leave his room. The chances of him crying are maximum so wait till he does that.
  • Once you see he is crying for you, let him cry out for some time only. Then go back to the room for a minute or so.
  • Comfort the baby only with your voice and don’t pick him up. Also, keep the lights dim or off and your voice low. Leave the room when he is a bit soothed or crying.
  • Repeat the same drill but keep increasing the intervals. Stay out for longer periods and return for a minute or so only.
  • You will have to follow and repeat this routine until he falls asleep. With every night, you must enhance the intervals.


All you need to have is patience and consistency. We ensure you that in no time your baby will be all trained to sleep on his own. If not, you can always try and opt for any other method.