Combat Facial Scars With Simple Home Remedies

Combat Facial Scars With Simple Home Remedies

The human skin is the largest organ and the most sensitive in the human body. In this case, any injury, trauma, or burn can lead to scarring. Facial scarring is an irritating problem that both men and women have to combat in their lifetime. A scar on the face is a source of constant stress, especially when living in a society that is so concerned with a person’s physical appearance. Facial scarring can badly hurt a person’s self-esteem and confidence to face the world.


Thankfully today, there are ways to erase such scars or at least make them as faint as possible.


  • For selecting the right treatment, one should be aware of their skin type and decide whether they want to try some home remedies or directly go for surgery or chemical treatment. You can also try using a scar mark removal soap or some natural home remedies before rushing off to a dermatologist. Here are some simple and time tested home remedies to try at home. 


  • Orange peel powder is filled with the goodness of citric acid and is a great way to remove old scar marks. Simply mix some orange peel powder with honey and equal measures and then mix it properly so that there are no lumps in the mixture apply the space to the affected area and then simply wash it off with lukewarm water after 10 to 15 minutes


  • Coconut oil is another such home ingredient that can be used to remove scar marks. It has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties and is packed with antioxidants and vitamin K that helps in the growth of healthy skin. Simply take some coconut oil in your palms and then gently rub it over the affected area. Make sure that you do not apply too much of it because that could lead to another acne outbreak.


  • Aloe Vera is another naturally occurring ingredient that can be Used to treat scars and blemishes on the skin. It has soothing properties that hydrate the skin and removes scars faster.


  • Baking soda has exfoliating properties, and this ingredient can be easily found in the kitchen. You can also use this as a paste to remove old scar marks.


  • Fresh lemon juice also has natural bleaching properties you can apply freshly squeezed lemon juice to the affected area and let it stay on for a few minutes repeat this exercise regularly and you will see that the scar marks will slowly start to fade 


  • Turmeric powder is easily one of the most common ingredients that you can find at home. Turmeric powder can be applied on your face as a paste or you can also have it with some warm milk. Turmeric powder has curcumin which helps remove old scars.


While you are trying these home remedies you can also use a fast scar removal soap while bathing for better results. These remedies might be time taking but they are skin-friendly and do not have any side effects.