Complete Guide on Theranostics Treatment

Complete Guide on Theranostics Treatment

Cancer is the uncontrollable development in the body of abnormal cells. It materializes in the body when the standard control mechanisms stop working. A tumor is then formed from extra cells forming masses of tissue. There are different treatments available to treat cancer.


Theranostics is a new approach to cancer treatment. It uses nanotechnology, which allows for the delivery of drugs and other molecules directly into tumors. The main advantage of this approach is that it bypasses the blood-brain barrier and can therefore target several types of tumors at once.


What is Theranostics?


Theranostics treatment is a new way of treating cancer. It combines diagnostics and therapy into one complex process to get more information about your body’s response to treatment and make more informed decisions about how to treat it.


The treatment uses sensors (like those used in many medical devices) that detect certain types of cells within the body and then target them with specific drugs or radiation. This allows doctors to see how well their treatments are working without removing any tissue or biopsies—which means less pain for patients!


Further, this treatment is also being used as an alternative to traditional cancer screening methods such as mammograms or pap smears because they provide more information about how well your body is responding to treatments than those tests do alone.


However, it’s important not to confuse them with other types of medical technologies like thermography scans which use infrared imaging technology rather than cameras like those found in smartphones or tablets.




Theranostics treatment is a revolutionary healthcare technology that can be used to treat cancer and other diseases at the molecular level. The invention of this new method has opened up many opportunities for doctors, researchers and patients alike.


It offers the possibility of treating cancer and other diseases at the molecular level using nanotechnology (using materials with atomic dimensions). This allows doctors to target specific molecules within cells or tissue samples to kill them or prevent them from growing back after treatment has been completed.


The treatment also allows doctors to monitor how effective their treatments are by monitoring how much damage has been done on an individual basis as well as over time; this helps them adjust their treatment accordingly based on how much damage was inflicted upon each patient’s system when administered through medication administration procedures such as chemotherapy pills etc.


Development process


Theranostics is a new field of medicine that combines imaging, therapy and drug delivery. This process can diagnose and treat diseases by identifying the location in which the disease is present.


The first step in this process is imaging: doctors use special scanning devices to take pictures of various parts of your body. These images are then analyzed using computers so doctors can see what’s wrong with you.


Then comes the therapeutic treatment: once it has been determined where there are problems with your body (on an MRI), doctors may prescribe medications or other treatments that will eliminate those problems from your system quickly before they become worse than they already are!




Theranostics treatment is a revolutionary healthcare technology. It allows us to diagnose and treat diseases in the body using various techniques such as gene therapy, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. There are many companies around the world trying to develop this technology, but only a few have been successful in reaching their goals so far.