Dental Secrets for Brighter Teeth and Smile

Dental Secrets for Brighter Teeth and Smile

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have a sparkling smile? A whiter set of teeth can significantly improve your smile and appearance. Teeth whitening is a common cosmetic dentistry practice these days. You can achieve a brighter and a healthier smile much more easily than you may think. Using modern technology in dentistry, dental problems are easily prevented and treated these days. So, whether it’s aging, smoking, or eating a lot of sugary foods that have your teeth looking like a pirate’s, you may now be able to reverse the damage easily with dental remedies.


If you want a shining smile, then visit the dentist more often and also follow the tips mentioned below. To restore or add shine to your teeth, consider tooth bleaching.


Tooth Bleaching: What is it?


The tooth bleaching method is a professional dentistry method that helps you get back the white sheen in your teeth. Compared to other dental methods used for teeth whitening, this one is the least abrasive in removing stains from your teeth.


Most dentists use hydrogen peroxide to bleach teeth. Free radicals generated by hydrogen peroxide break down organic molecules in stains that have accumulated on top of the teeth’s surface. The double carbon bonds are broken by the free radicals into single carbon bonds, which result in light-colored teeth.


Teeth bleaching is also really effective at removing smoking-related stains common in the teeth of longtime smokers and substance abusers. Many substance abusers join recovery centers, like the Palm Beach Institute, to help themselves recover, but they should also consult a dentist for removing the black and brown stains on their teeth that long term substance use causes.


Techniques for bleaching your teeth


Bleaching techniques can either be done at home or you could let a professional dentist do it for you when you visit the dentist’s office. For getting your teeth bleached professionally, visit a reliable dentist in your area. However, if you want to bleach your teeth at home, then keep on reading because we’ll be discussing some at-home tips for teeth whitening in this article as well.


Professional Tooth Bleaching


Professional teeth whitening is the fastest way to remove the stubborn stains from your teeth. The bleaching solution used by dentists is stronger than the one you will use at home. Aided by the latest and professional dental equipment, the dentist can achieve results that are eight shades better than the traditional methods. Zoom whitening—a teeth whitening technique commonly used—manages to give superior results in a 2-hour session. However, teeth whitening sessions, like Zoom, are quite pricey, with per session costing you anywhere from $500 to $1000.     


Whitening Techniques at Home


In order to achieve a dazzling set of teeth without having to spend too much, you can use at-home bleaching techniques. You can use a variety of products and options for teeth whitening at home. The most popular products used for teeth whitening are:


Teeth Whitening Toothpastes


Teeth whitening toothpastes are the most common products used to whiten teeth. All toothpastes generally contain fluoride, which lightens the shade of your teeth, however, teeth whitening toothpastes also contains additional chemicals, including abrasives, which act as polishing agents and help in removing the stains. In the absence of bleaching agents, the teeth whitening toothpastes can only make your teeth a shade whiter and no more.


Teeth Whitening Strips & Gels


Hydrogen peroxide is present in over-the-counter and professional whitening products, which help make your teeth appear whiter. The presence of hydrogen peroxide helps you see results faster. For best results, directly brush your teeth with a whitening gel twice a day for 14-days. Voila! You’ll see a difference in your teeth’s shade after regularly applying the gel for that time. However, the whitening effect of the whitening strips and gels wanes after 4-months.


Rinses for whiten teeth


Special mouthwashes that contain hydrogen peroxide and other ingredients are called whitening rinses. Apart from brightening your teeth, these rinses will freshen up your breath and fight off bacteria in the mouth that aids in building plaque. Before brushing your teeth with a toothpaste, swish the mouthwash around in your mouth for about a minute. Rinses give best results in about 12-weeks’ time.


Tray-Based Whiteners


Tray-based products are best for teeth whitening. You can buy them at any pharmacy or have your dentist make you one. Your dentist will make tray whiteners by putting a guard-like device on your teeth and then filling it with a whitening solution which contains peroxide. To get the desired shades, keep wearing the trays every day for a prescribed time period.


Follow a Proper Dental Hygiene


Regardless of the teeth whitening method used, make sure you always follow proper oral hygiene. Brush twice a day, floss to remove plaque and buildup, and use mouthwash to eliminate plaque-causing bacteria. Always brush before you sleep and after you eat to get any bits and pieces out of the gaps in your teeth.




With the tips mentioned above you can start feeling confident in your smile. To maintain whiteness in your teeth, practice proper oral hygiene and visit your dentist regularly, at least twice a year.