Everything You Wanted to Know About Garage Door Torsion Springs

Everything You Wanted to Know About Garage Door Torsion Springs

The torsion springs play a significant role in terms of ensuring the garage door works properly. The overall weight of the garage door is contained in these torsion springs. Therefore, the door stops functioning when the spring breaks or gets damaged. Sometimes, people forcefully try to run their door even when the spring is broken. This causes more damage to the door and will cost more money in replacement. Just like any other spring, a torsion spring stores mechanical energy using a twisting or rotating motion. The mechanical energy is what keeps these springs tight over time.


The best part of using torsion springs is that they can store more energy than conventional springs. It’s because these torsion springs are made from denser materials. These are mounted horizontally above the garage door’s opening. So, when anyone pulls down the door, the cable attached to the corner forces the torsion springs to wind up. As a result, it energizes the entire garage door system. And when anyone wants to open the garage door, the springs unwind and transfer the energy back to the door. Further, this makes it easier for people to lift the door and open it easily. Let’s take a look at the few advantages that people can yield from these torsion springs. 


  1. You Can Enjoy A Longer Lifespan


There are a significant number of differences between a torsion spring and any other conventional spring. The torsion springs work in a unique process to generate the force. However, in the case of any other springs like an expansion spring, it would use a process of contraction and expansion to move the garage door. Torsion springs generate the force when they are twisted. There’s no need for the spring to stretch out. Due to the twisting motion, it prevents the garage door from frequent wear and tear. Before you buy garage door torsion springs in Sacramento, it should be noted that a torsion spring is capable of lifting the garage doors 20,000 times in its entire lifespan whereas the expansion springs can only lift the door 10,000 times. One must install a garage door efficiently to yield the true benefits of these torsion springs.


  1. It Offers A Smoother Operation 


In the case of other springs, it tends to result in uneven force transmission. Often it creates a huge tension on the garage door while it remains closed and the spring extends. And this amount of tension lessens as the spring contracts and the door opens. However, the process leads to a jerky motion. So, this increases the chances for the door to become damaged and lose its alignment. On the other hand, the torsion spring works in a controlled motion while lifting and lowering the garage door. This is because the mechanics of these torsion springs helps them to maintain an even amount of torsion. So, the garage door works in a balanced motion with torsion springs. Further, this minimizes the chances for the garage doors to become damaged in the long run. 


However, one must choose the right size of these torsion springs to yield the true advantages. Else, it can lead to safety issues in the long run. The door will not work optimally when the size of the torsion spring isn’t chosen carefully. Let’s take a look at some tips to follow while choosing the right size of these torsion springs, 


  • Don’t opt for too large sizes as it can damage the opener of the garage door. It will offer more strength than needed which will in turn will damage the door and hinder its safety. 


  • One shouldn’t choose a small-sized torsion spring as it will reduce the effectiveness of the garage door. It will make the door heavy when the spring is too small. So, one could easily get hurt with this type of torsion springs. 


  • Measure the spring’s total length, inside diameter, and find the right length before finalizing it. It’s because an ideal size of these torsion springs can balance a garage door and increase its safety again. 


  1. It’s Less Dangerous


A torsion spring is always less dangerous than any other spring because it’s constructed around a metal shaft. In the case with any other spring, the chances of breakage increase as the spring become fatigued. People can easily get injured with these types of springs. The torsion springs offer more durability than any other springs. An average garage door torsion spring can last up to 7 years even when one opens a garage door 3 to 5 times a day for the entire year. This means there will be fewer chances of anyone getting injured with a torsion spring. However, the door needs to be maintained frequently to keep up its optimal condition. Else, it won’t offer the longer lifespan as it should.