Things You Need To Know About Reiki Healing

Things You Need To Know About Reiki Healing

Reiki healing is not a modern invention. You might find it surprising, but energy healing has been around for centuries. Reiki is a form of energy healing that dates back to the 19th century, but its benefits can easily be applied to the modern world.

Let’s get to know everything about Reiki Healing.

Reiki Healing – What is It?

Reiki Healing

Holistic healing is becoming a favored form of therapy in modern society, which is why Reiki healing can be of huge help. Reiki healing is a non-invasive form of spiritual healing that guides the energy inside an individual’s body to encourage self-healing.

The term ‘Reiki’ originates from the Japanese word ‘Rei’, which means universal, and ‘ki’, meaning life energy. The form of Reiki healing in practice today was first developed by a Japanese Buddhist, Mikao Usui. Reiki healers consider Reiki a life-force energy that courses through our bodies.

According to Reiki healers, this energy can stagnate in the body where there is emotional pain or any physical injury. These energy blocks can give birth to illnesses and ailments. Energy healing removes the energy blocks and aids in the better flow of energy.

According to Reiki healers, Reiki can ensure a better energy flow, which can reduce pain, offer relaxation, accelerate healing, reduce pain, reduce stress, anxiety, and other symptoms of illnesses.

Furthermore, Reiki healing can also help you unblock your chakras and fix their alignment. Reiki healing shifts your body’s stress response from ‘fight or flight’ to a more calm and restful state.

This becomes quite beneficial for your health and well-being in the long run. Reiki healing can also offer increasing feelings of relaxation, ease, and happiness.

How is Reiki Healing Performed?

Traditionally, a Reiki practitioner will touch the recipient’s body or hover their hands above the body or certain body parts. By doing so, the Reiki healer can release, add, transfer, and move energy in the recipient’s body’s energy system.

By placing the hands in different positions around the body, the Reiki practitioner can transfer the energy from themselves to the recipient. This restores the natural life force energy and offers a unique physical and emotional balance. This, however, shouldn’t be confused with the manipulation of a person’s subconscious mind.

You would be glad to know that, nowadays, you don’t require venturing out for a Reiki healing session, as a distance Reiki healing session is an option. Reiki healing is not limited by distance.

Distant or distance Reiki healing can offer all the benefits without having to be in physical proximity with the Reiki healer. For distance Reiki healing sessions, all you need is a practitioner certified in Reiki healing. 

Distance Reiki healing works with the belief that we are all connected as we are made up of the same energy and are a part of a larger whole. The Reiki healer works with this belief during a distance session as this enables them to get linked with the recipient’s energy field.

In the distance Reiki healing session, a trained online Reiki healer can tap into the recipient’s energetic field. Sometimes, in distance Reiki healing sessions, the online Reiki healer might use healing crystals to help with the energy vibrations.

But this depends on the healer’s choice. Some healers might not use other objects and only focus on the Reiki energy and direct positive thoughts and energy vibrations to the recipient across space and time. The distance Reiki healing becomes helpful in times when people need continuous support. A Reiki healing session’s duration depends on the needs of the recipient.

When looking for a Reiki healer to consult for distance Reiki healing, you can consult an online reiki healer on online platforms like Astroyogi.

Is Reiki Healing for Everyone?

Reiki healing is energy healing, and it is gentle and non-invasive, which makes it safe for everyone. It is also not related to any religious practice or dogma; hence you can opt for it.

Most people opt for Reiki healing to help them cope with the loss of a loved one, deal with stress and anxiety, manage troubling situations in life, recover from surgery, enjoy relaxation, or as an adjunct to proper medical treatment.

Reiki healing efficiently boosts the effectiveness of other medical treatments that you might be receiving by accelerating your body’s healing by reducing stress, tension, and anxiety.

However, to receive a Reiki healing session, you don’t have to be suffering from any specific illness. Reiki healing sessions can help keep your energy channels open and unblock your blocked chakras.


Reiki healing is all about bringing balance and harmony in yourself so that you can achieve optimum wellness. It works extraordinarily well for relaxation, balance, and stress management.

Simply put, Reiki healing can increase your well-being. But, for Reiki healing to be of use to you, you have to approach the best Reiki practitioner.

When looking for the best Reiki practitioner online for distance Reiki healing, Astroyogi can help. Astroyogi can ensure that you connect with the most reliable and experienced Reiki practitioners who can help you.