NPC: Most Common Ways to Detect Cancer and Cure

NPC: Most Common Ways to Detect Cancer and Cure

Nasopharyngeal Cancer (NPC) cancer is present in the head and neck region. According to WebMD, it is present in the area behind the nose, which is the upper part of the throat. This particular area is called the nasopharynx. The cancer is linked to the EBV virus (Epstein-Barr virus).


NPC is a rare form of cancer, found in less than one person out of 100,000 each year. Geographically, it is present in countries such as North Africa, Middle East, Asia, and southeast China, reports


This form of cancer is prevalent in southern China and has a high incidence rate in the world. People whose diet consists of salty fish and meat are at a higher risk of NPC. In addition to this, alcohol consumption and smoking put people at a higher risk for NPC. Also, male members of the family are more likely to develop NPC.


An article (by NCBI) sheds light on why NPC might have a higher rate among individuals in this region. Genetics may have a significant role to play in this.


Common ways to detect cancer


There are various methods used for diagnosing NPC. These are listed as follows:


Physical examination


In a physical examination, the doctor feels for lumps in the area around the neck, including the gums, lips, and cheeks. A closer inspection involves looking for swelling in the mouth cavity. Additional tests are necessary to be sure of NCP.


Blood test


A blood test will check for antibodies against the EBV virus. Moreover, a blood test may reveal the level of the EBV DNA present in the blood. The test is crucial in determining the presence of the EBV virus. However, a blood test cannot be relied upon for diagnosing NPC. A blood test can help determine if cancer has spread to other areas of the body.




The doctor inserts an endoscope in the mouth. The endoscope is a thin tube with a camera fitted into it. The patient is given anesthesia, and then the tube is inserted. Using the endoscope, doctors can detect the presence of cancer and lumps.




A biopsy involves testing a small tissue from the affected area for the presence of cancer. A biopsy is the only definitive way of knowing whether NPC is present or not. The patient is given local anesthesia, and a small needle removes tissue from the area. The doctor examines cells from the sample under a microscope.


Despite the results that a biopsy reveals, it is an invasive test. Many people may not prefer this type of test.


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Non-invasive tests


Among the various non-invasive tests for NPC, an ultrasound of the neck or a chest X-ray helps in diagnosing NPC. Some doctors may recommend a CT scan and an MRI as well.


In another non-invasive technique, a blood sample is essential. Using DNA sequencing methods, lab professionals test the blood sample for NPC. The screening test results are available within three to seven days.


In addition to this, another test (recently discovered) helps in detecting NPC. This new-found test involved taking a nasal sample. According to an article by PubMed, it is an alternative to blood sampling. However, research is required to validate the usefulness of this test.


Early detection is key


Diagnosing NPC at the right time is the first step in finding a cure for the patient. Hence, the doctor must conduct screening (using these various methods) for the NPC. It does not make sense to have all these tests every few months or even annually. Endoscopy and biopsy are definitive tests in detecting NPC. But doing these tests every year is rough on the patient. However, some tests, such as the physical examination and non-invasive blood test, can help predict the NPC.


NPC is present among individuals from middle- to low-income countries. Hence, having too many tests can make it difficult for the patient to pay for them. These tests by Take2 Health, for instance, can help find NPC at an early stage without it costing too much for the patient.


It is easier to conduct this non-invasive test in remote areas where there is a lack of advanced medical equipment. Hence, people in such regions can be easily tested for NPC and followed up every year. Also, people who are hesitant to have their blood sample taken due to fear of needles can opt for a nasal swab as well. Such type of testing is feasible for the government as well as the patients.


The cure for NPC


Once the doctor diagnoses NPC, the treatment for NPC involves radiation therapy and chemotherapy. In some cases, surgery may be essential to remove the cancer tissue altogether. In radiation therapy, a high-energy beam, such as an X-ray, destroys the cancer cells. Radiation therapy is done over time and requires multiple sittings. There are several types of radiation therapies, which your doctor can guide you.


In chemotherapy, a medicine is injected into your bloodstream. The sole purpose of the medication is to destroy the cancer cells. You may be given an IV tube or a pill to swallow. You may also receive an injection. The method for taking medication varies.


One of the main challenges involved in curing a person is to keep the functionality of the nearby organs intact. Hence, before beginning treatment, doctors will consult with a patient regarding the treatment. It may affect the quality of life of the patient. Eating, breathing, and talking are some functions that are bound to be affected. The age and the stage of cancer dictate the treatment option for the patient. Hence, seeking a second medical opinion is crucial.




There are various methods used by medical professionals for detecting NPC. There is a lot of potential for non-invasive testing, especially for people from low- to middle-income backgrounds. It is best to detect and diagnose it early on to prevent cancer from worsening. It is possible to follow up on a test by conducting a non-invasive test.