Tag: Car Accidents

How to Prepare for And Prevent Car Accidents While Traveling?

How to Prepare for And Prevent Car Accidents While Traveling?

Driving is one of the best ways to enjoy beautiful roads and scenery and spend quality time with your loved ones.   But let’s face it, no matter how good your driving skills are, accidents can still happen. Car accidents are no joke. They can 

What Are The Difference And Similarities For Motorcycle And Car Accident Cases?

What Are The Difference And Similarities For Motorcycle And Car Accident Cases?

There is no one time that accidents happen precisely the same time. Some of the reasons could be due to the speed, injuries suffered, inadequate driving experience, or even the type of roads. There is a lot of misconception on how car and motorcycle accident cases are 

How Does ICBC Determine Fault?

How Does ICBC Determine Fault?

ICBC is always standing there to provide public services. They take reports for claims from the victims of an accident. Then they examine all the necessary details related to the accident and determine faults. The party who is identified as guilty will not get any