Tag: Hair

Top Stylists’ Secrets for Gorgeous Hair

Top Stylists’ Secrets for Gorgeous Hair

Hair is an essential part of every woman’s beauty and identity. It enhances natural beauty and boosts confidence, but it also requires constant care. This may not always come easy and you will often turn to professional help.   However, there are easy, pocket-friendly ways 

Get the Hair You’ve Always Wanted with These Tips

Get the Hair You’ve Always Wanted with These Tips

Having a great head of hair is something that we all dream of having.   For many of us though, our hair—or lack thereof—becomes a major insecurity point. It seems that everyone else has voluminous, bouncy, and thick hair except you.   But the truth 

Rice as The Best Agent For Hair and Skin

Rice as The Best Agent For Hair and Skin

You may be surprised to hear that rice is often used to brighten skins. Rice is considered as a gentle exfoliator and can be put into use on a daily basis. Regular application will keep the skin wrinkle free for a number of years. In 

How to Keep Your Hair Healthy During Quarantine

How to Keep Your Hair Healthy During Quarantine

Quarantine has kept many of us hunkered down at home and going out only for essential errands. One would think that the time we spend at home would be suitable for our hair. After all, we’re keeping away from pollution, ambient heat, and harmful UV 

Discover Why You Have To Get Rid Of That Unwanted Hair

Discover Why You Have To Get Rid Of That Unwanted Hair

Hair is your first defence line on the body. This keeps you protected from cold, sunlight, trauma, and insect bites. Additionally, hair provides cushioning on the skull from mechanical trauma or direct pressure. You can manipulate normal hair on the head into various styles to