Tag: Ropes

The Science Behind Marine Ropes: Strength, Durability, and Performance

The Science Behind Marine Ropes: Strength, Durability, and Performance

Ever found yourself wondering why marine ropes are exceptional, or what makes them endure harsh marine environments? Or, perhaps, the science behind these ropes piqued your curiosity. Welcome to a journey that explores the intricate world of marine ropes, their strength, durability, and the all-important 

Survival Gear 101: 9 Things You Need to Live Outside of Civilization

Survival Gear 101: 9 Things You Need to Live Outside of Civilization

The wilderness might be one of the locations where man is potentially not at the top of the food chain. We might have the brains to analyze the situation or the thumbs to grab things. However, in the jungles, forests, tundras, and deserts of the