Tell-tale Signs You Need To Change Your Boiler

Tell-tale Signs You Need To Change Your Boiler

The holidays are fast approaching. People are pumped to cuddle in their thickest blanket, pour hot chocolate, and watch the latest seasons of their favorite TV shows. Some say it’s also cuddling weather. You may also get asked: “Do you wanna build a snowman?”


The thing is: it’s cold again. Whether we like it or not, the cold will bother us anyway. This is why temperature control devices should be checked and updated to keep you comfortable throughout this freezing time of the year.


You might need to replace your outdoor boiler this holiday season. The average lifespan of a boiler is 15 years. Even then, you’d save a whole lot of money when replaced by a 10-year old one–given that 55% of the electricity bill is because of the boiler.


Changing to a more energy-efficient boiler


New models of boilers are not condensing boilers, which means it creates more heat while releasing cooler gases into the flue, causing condensation.


New boilers are more energy-efficient, taking up 30% less gas than older boilers. With this number, you can earn back the amount of purchase after 5-6 years. Call to experts engineer for new boiler installation. New boilers can also be hefty investments which is why you have to take note of the new boiler cost and align it with your budget and your needs.


If you come to think of it, a new boiler is an investment. Replacing your old boilers adds 4% to the value of your home, together with central heating and double glazing.


Maybe it’s time to call your trusted experts for boiler installation in Provo. Here are tell-tale signs that it’s time to shift to a new boiler:


Increasing energy bills


Pay attention to the frequency of calling for maintenance. If you have to maintain it more and more every month, it may be calling for a replacement. Since the boiler is taking up much of the energy bill, it won’t be a surprise if your utility bills start increasing as well.


Rusting & toxic fumes


Watch out for signs if toxic fumes. In an old boiler, you might find the gas burners emitting yellow flames and black soot. These are telltales signs that it’s producing carbon monoxide, “a colorless, odorless, tasteless gas produced by burning gasoline, wood, propane, charcoal or other fuel.” Accumulated carbon monoxide in a closed space can poison the body by replacing the oxygen in red blood cells. It’s important that every home has a carbon monoxide detector installed to keep residents inside safe.


Depending on how the pipes are looped in the system, the possibilities of rusting affect the boiler’s condition. When there are water or steam leaks, and these come in contact with oxygen, the metal will be exposed to rust. Over time, the pipes will grow thinner and thinner until the boiler eventually deteriorates.


Inconsistent temperatures


Other malfunctions in the boiler may cause temperature inconsistencies around the house. Once you notice this, it may be a sign that the boiler needs maintenance or replacement.


There’s another thing to consider, though: insulation. The temperature control equipment should work together to make a comfortable home. With the use of insulation, the room can efficiently retain the heat from the boiler.