The Best Advice You Could Ever Get About What to Do After Septic Tank Is Pumped

The Best Advice You Could Ever Get About What to Do After Septic Tank Is Pumped

Once you notice that your septic tank is full, you should go ahead and pump it. After pumping the septic tank, most of the people assume that they will not come across any issues in the near future. Hence, they completely ignore the septic tank. If you do that, you will end up with more negative consequences in the long run. That’s why you need to have a clear understanding about the things that you should do after you get the septic tank pumped.


Here are some useful and valuable advice available for you to keep in mind after getting the septic tank pumped. 


Maintain the drain field 


Drain field is one of the most prominent components that you can find in the septic system. It is responsible for removing contaminants from the liquids that are coming from the septic tank. If the drain field is not maintained effectively, you cannot expect the septic system to function perfectly well.


You need to make sure that you are not parking on top of the drain field. Moreover, you are encouraged not to drive over the drain field as well. Likewise, you need to be mindful about planting as well. You need to plant the trees while keeping an appropriate distance from the drain field. Then you can ensure that the roots of those plants will not create an impact on the septic system. It is better if you can get professional assistance before you make the decision to plant the trees. 


Placement of the other elements of your home should never be ignored as well. They include the placement of sump pumps, roof drains and the other types of drainage systems that are available. 


Properly dispose of your waste. 


This is something that all the homeowners should be mindful about. If you don’t properly dispose of your waste, you cannot expect the septic tank and the system to deliver an efficient functionality to you along with time. You should be mindful about this when you are grinding in the garbage disposal, flushing down the toilet or while you are taking a bath. That’s because water from all these places will end up with the septic system.


If you are sending down garbage through the septic system, you will end up with creating a negative impact on its functionality.


You should understand that your toilet is not a trash can. Hence, you need to make sure that you are not flushing anything on your toilet, apart from toilet paper and human waste. You must never flush dental floss, condoms, feminine hygiene products, cooking oil, grease, pharmaceuticals, cat litter, coffee grounds and cigarette buds. If you flush these items, they will end up in the septic tank. Bacteria in the septic tank are not capable of breaking down these solids. Hence, you will run into a situation where you have to pump the septic tank again in the near future. 


Make sure that you don’t kill good bacteria inside the septic tank.


When you deep dive and take a look at the septic tank, you will notice that it contains a massive collection of living organisms. These living organisms are playing the role of digesting and treating household waste. When you pour down toxins in the drainage, you will end up with killing the bacteria in your septic tank. As a result, you will create a negative impact on the overall functionality of the septic tank. 


If you come across a clogged drain, you should not use chemical drain openers. That’s because chemicals in these drain openers are capable of killing bacteria. Instead of using the chemical opener, you can think about using a drain snake or boiling water. On the other hand, you need to make sure that you are not pouring grease or cooking oil down in the drain as well. Likewise, it is important to keep in mind not to pour any solvents, oil-based paints or toxic cleaners. As an alternative, you may go ahead and take this problem to a professional grease trap cleaning services.


Use water in an efficient manner. 


Once you complete pumping of the septic tank, you need to make sure that you are using water in an efficient manner. For example, if you can find any leaks in the toilet, you need to make sure that you are getting them fixed. Otherwise, you will waste hundreds of gallons of water on a daily basis. 


Apart from fixing all the water leaks, you can think about getting a high-efficiency toilet as well. Then you can reduce the total volume of water that you are sending out to the septic tank. High-efficiency showerheads and faucet aerators are good investments that you can make.