Travelling Around the World with a Baby

Travelling Around the World with a Baby

We’ve all been there, sat on a plane much closer than we would care to be to the screaming baby before you have even left the ground. You see the look of horror and embarrassment of the face of the parents as they do everything in their power to calm down the little one, as well as trying to ignore the tuts and sighs of disgruntled passengers that cannot keep their opinions to themselves.


You wonder why anyone would want to travel with a baby as part of their party. That is until it is you with the little one and you are planning a getaway with the family. Now it is your turn to navigate your way through the busy airport and long, enclosed flight.


While we aren’t going to say that travelling around the world with a baby is easy, we will say that it doesn’t have to be half as stressful as has been made out. Here are some of our favourite tips to ensure that you get the most out of our family trips.


Plan Well in Advance


This should go without saying but planning well in advance is a necessity for any trip but, when there is a little baby making up a part of the group, it is essential. Make sure you know exactly what you are taking, as well as how you are going to pack it (you don’t want to travel too heavy). It’s not just their favourite toys that you will need to remember, but also any medicine and soothers that make be required, especially if they are going through the teething stage.


Also, consider how long it will take you to get to the airport and other checkpoints that make up your journey and allow for an extra hour because you don’t want to rush to keep to a tight schedule with a baby. When they want something like a bottle or a nappy change, they need it right there and then won’t settle until they receive it, you need to make sure that you have a sufficient stock of reusable cloth nappies.


Consider the Best Times to Travel


Baby on plane


If you are a young family with children under the school age, you have a little bit more freedom in when you can travel as you are not beholden to holiday travel times. Not only this, depending on exactly where you are travelling to, you should be aware of any cultural traditions and festivals that may be taking place during the time you are planning on going.


For example, many Islamic countries will be observing Ramadan, a time for fasting and charity. As the month moves forward by around 20 days every year, it is worth noting when such traditions take place. You might feel that, depending on the local customs, it might be worth either travelling elsewhere or at a different time.


Ignore Criticisms


Here’s something that every parent needs to know and every passenger needs to hear – families with young babies have as much right to fly as anyone else. Yes, it might be an inconvenience but, without a doubt, hearing your baby scream is ten times worse than hearing somebody else’s. If someone offers their unwarranted ‘advice’, then brush it off and ignore them – you are doing everything you can.


Never feel guilty about travelling with a little one, it is your right. Do what you can to comfort them and be as courteous as you can to other passengers – you will find that most are understanding of your situation.