Two Major Causes of Home Damage and How to Prevent Them

Two Major Causes of Home Damage and How to Prevent Them

The passing of time brings forth many changes, like the aging of houses. However, it’s possible for the aging process to be hastened by incidents not brought forth by time.


To stop this from happening, homeowners should take note of two of the major causes of home damage, as well as the ways to prevent them.




Water-related problems come in two forms: non-weather and weather-caused. It has been found that non-weather water issues have been more of a concern to homeowners in recent years given how leaks are more likely to occur due to problems in plumbing and water-based appliances.


To prevent your home from incurring such damages, locate your main water valve and turn off the water if you’re going on extended trips. Additionally, have a professional check your plumbing system every once in a while, and have it replaced if necessary. If possible, check the ones hidden from sight more often, even without a professional, like the kitchen sink. As for appliances, if your washing machine has rubber hoses, replace them whenever possible. Or, invest in a stainless steel one to prevent leakage.


Weather-related water issues, on the other hand, are often caused by heavy rains and floods. Water from rains is usually kept away from the home’s foundation by gutters. If not maintained properly, the gutters will fail to accomplish their main purpose, leading to water in the house’s foundation. Water can also get trapped in the gutters. As a result, the wood near and surrounding the gutters can rot over time.


To prevent this from happening, look into and install a gutter protection system that prevents debris such as leaves and dirt from accumulating in the gutters. However, having such a system in place shouldn’t stop you from cleaning your gutters often as a form of a second measure.




According to the FBI, burglary occurs every 22 seconds. So, while theft isn’t as much of a problem as water, it’s still a problem nonetheless. It may seem unlikely for your home to get broken into, but it doesn’t hurt to have some measures in place.


One easy and effective thing you can do is to install motion-activated lights. They may seem irrelevant compared to more complex anti-theft systems, but thieves are generally deterred by light because it’s easier for them to get spotted.


The more complex example is a security system with a control panel that connects to every component installed. A component example would be door and window sensors.These sensors are usually made up of two parts that meet when doors and windows are closed. When the security is armed, these sensors will detect if any door and window is suddenly opened, resulting in a high decibel alarm sounding, indicating to the owners as well as nearby neighbors that there has been a breach in the home.


Some of these measures are expensive and may seem inconsequential to have, but they are good investments in keeping your home safe and secure. By making a large purchase now, you’re saving yourself the trouble of having to deal with getting damages fixed in the future.