5 Practical Tips for Getting Things Done as a New Entrepreneur

5 Practical Tips for Getting Things Done as a New Entrepreneur
  • Prioritize your time and list tasks that need to be completed.


  • Set goals and deadlines that are SMART, specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound.


  • Take breaks every few hours or at least one day off every two weeks.


  • Outsource tasks you can’t handle yourself.


  • Stay organized with a clean workspace and productivity tools such as calendars, task lists, and sticky notes.


Starting a business can be one of an individual’s most exhilarating and challenging experiences. As a new entrepreneur, you have to build from scratch and create something unique that stands out.


However, this journey can be stressful and overwhelming while trying to accomplish all your goals. Learning practical ways of getting things done can help to relieve stress and make your new business journey more gratifying. Here are some helpful tips to get you started.


Prioritize Your Time


Getting caught up in the excitement and putting in long hours is easy, but it can also lead to burnout and affect the business’s success. As a new entrepreneur, time management and prioritization are critical to success. Here’s how to prioritize your time as a new entrepreneur to ensure your business thrives.


Make a list of your tasks


Starting your business makes it easy to feel like everything is necessary. However, you can’t do everything at once. Start by making a list of all the tasks you need to complete. Once you have a list, you can prioritize them based on importance and urgency. The Eisenhower Matrix is a popular tool that can help you prioritize your tasks based on urgency and importance.


Set goals and deadlines


Set clear goals for your business and align your daily tasks with those goals. Setting deadlines for yourself can help you stay on track and reduce procrastination. Doing this can also help you understand how much time you must allocate for each task. Ensure that your goals are SMART, specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound.


Take Breaks


Take Breaks


When starting a business, it’s easy to get consumed in every aspect and forget to take breaks. However, taking time off can refresh your mind, boost productivity, and prevent burnout. As a new entrepreneur, aim to take breaks every few hours or plan on having at least one day off every two weeks to recharge. Use your break time to do something you love, read a book, walk, or catch up with friends and family.




As a new entrepreneur, you may be determined to handle every aspect of your business. However, it’s essential to recognize that there are areas you require assistance with, and this is where outsourcing comes in. This frees up your time and allows you to focus on what you’re really good at.


A staffing solution agency can help you find suitable candidates for the job, saving time and money. They can help you build a team of professionals who can handle the tasks you can’t, enabling you to grow your business faster.


Stay Organized


Staying organized can save time, reduce stress, and help you focus better on your work. Start with a clean, comfortable workspace and use productivity tools such as calendars, task lists, and sticky notes to track your progress. Additionally, you can establish a filing system, declutter regularly, and always set aside a few minutes each day to put items in their correct place.




Networking can open doors you’ve never imagined, help you find the right clients, and connect you to other entrepreneurs who can offer advice, support, and partnerships. Here are some helpful networking tips


Attend Business Events


Attend Business Events


Attending conferences, trade shows, and local business events is an excellent way to network with other entrepreneurs. You’ll get to meet like-minded people, learn about their businesses, and exchange contact information in a relaxed and social setting. You can also learn about the latest industry trends, product launches, and emerging technologies which can help you position yourself as an expert in your field.


Leverage Social Media


Social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook are excellent places to network with other entrepreneurs. You can connect with people in your industry, join relevant groups, and share your content with a broader audience.


Keeping your online presence actively increases your visibility among your peers and potential clients. Don’t forget to engage by commenting on others’ posts, sharing insightful information, and offering your expertise when appropriate.


Final Thoughts


Starting a business can be an exciting yet challenging journey, but it’s essential to learn practical ways of getting things done to make this journey more fulfilling. Prioritizing your time, taking breaks, outsourcing, staying organized, and networking are useful tips that can help you achieve your goals and significantly impact the industry you are pursuing. By implementing these tips, you can work smarter, be more productive, and achieve your goals.