5 Profitable Ways to Get Rid of an Old Car besides Selling It Yourself

5 Profitable Ways to Get Rid of an Old Car besides Selling It Yourself

If you have an old car rotting away on your lawn or in your garage, there’s usually a pretty good reason why—selling an old car can be a hassle. Selling a vehicle might mean you need to invest some money into it to make sure it runs properly and reaches a good price. Some of the upgrades you need to do to ensure it’s new-driver ready are oil changes, motor examinations, deep cleaning and many other not-so-fun-and-cheap repairs. So if you want to get rid of your old beater, but avoid all the fuss of selling it to a new owner, here’s what you can do.


Getting it recycled


While you can just dump your car in a designated spot, this won’t get you any money. However, taking your old clunker to a recycling yard can be the answer. Scrap yards leave their cars sitting and rotting for years and years, so recycling is a much more environmentally-friendly way to dump your car. Going green might also get you a bit of cash back if you decide to take this route. Various programs ensure every car is disposed of in the safest and most eco-friendly way. Nothing is better than going green in today’s day and age!


dump your car


Donating it


If you’re feeling charitable, you don’t have to hit the impound yard or a recycling yard to get rid of it. Today, you can find various charities that are willing to take your car (if it’s still running) and make great use of it. The best part is that often they will come to pick it up so you don’t have to move a finger. If you’re passionate about a cause, you can do your homework and find a charity of your choice to donate your old car. A couple of good ones are Goodwill and Wheels for Wishes.


This option offers another bonus—donations are usually tax-deductible, so you’ll feel amazing after doing something good for others AND get a bit of a tax break. This is the biggest win-win in history! Pro tip: if you want to make things extra easy on the charity, do your best to restore your car to its former glory or at least clean it a bit so it’s ready to use.


Trading it


Car wreckers have their benefits, but if you want another vehicle instead of your old one, you can trade it in with your dealer and return some money into your home register. Before you visit any dealerships, make sure to do your homework and check how much your make and model are worth on the market. Having this idea will give you an upper hand when it comes to haggling and bless you with a good price.


Calling removalists


Car removalists


If you want to take the easiest and quickest route, you can always call car removalists and leave your old car with them. These services can be found all over the world and are especially popular in Australia. Why? Well, if you hire respected car removal in Sydney expect them to pick up your car and pay out up to $7,999 for your old clunker. So you’re not only getting rid of your vehicle for free, but you’re getting paid! Sure, you can dump your car yourself, but imagine the time and effort you’ll need to invest in such an endeavor—the convenience factor of car removal services far outweighs the small price difference.


Giving it to a friend


Do you have a buddy of a family member who loves to mess around with cars and understands the basics of mechanics? Ask whether they want a new project to work on and give them your unwanted car. Many people consider car restoration their hobby and will gladly accept a free vehicle in need of some lovin’. You will make someone happy, remove the car off your driveway and eventually bless the world with one mean machine (if your friend ever manages to fix, clean and repaint your car).


Giving it to a friend


This process is not so easy though. You will need to make sure all necessary regulations during the transfer of ownership are taken care of. If a recipient of the car does something careless or illegal, you might be held responsible. But don’t worry, a good lawyer will guide you through the process and get things done smoothly. 


What do you say? You don’t need to go through a complicated sale process to get rid of your old car. Pick the most convenient method for you and your junk-on-wheels will be out of your hair in no time hassle-free.


About the author:


Mike Johnston is an avid blogging enthusiast and experienced freelance writer. He’s a regular contributor to numerous online publications, where he writes about lifestyle, business, and technology.