5 Simple Exercises to Combat Vertigo

5 Simple Exercises to Combat Vertigo

Vertigo can be very disorienting. It’s hard to understand if you’ve never experienced vertigo before. It’s more than just a Hitchcock horror film.


Usually, vertigo does not require any medication. In many cases, medication can actually make vertigo symptoms worse. They usually don’t treat the root of the problem, either.


There are natural ways to treat vertigo. These are cheap, accessible, and easy to practice. Here are five things you can do today to treat vertigo.


  1. Balance


Vertigo throws off your sense of balance.


It can be hard to stand or sit up straight when you’re experiencing vertigo. Even if it seems hard, try and ground yourself.


If you’re sitting, or even if you’re lying down, pick a spot on the wall or ceiling to stare at. When you feel comfortable, stand. Keep your vision focused on this one point.


Don’t choose an option that is likely to move or that has a lot of motion around it. If you’re on a train or a plane, choose something like the seat in front of you.


When you can stand, try more challenging exercises. This will help train your brain for future vertigo spells.


Try standing for as long as you can on one foot.


  1. Meditation


Some people might not consider meditation an exercise.


It’s really more of a mental exercise than a physical one. But the mind and body are connected.


The stronger and healthier your mind is, the more you will be able to concentrate and focus. Your balance will improve. You can meditate your way out of a vertigo episode.


Meditation can easily be coupled with other forms of treatment. For example, cannabis is very promising in vertigo treatment.


Here’s some information on how cannabis can help with vertigo. This surprises a lot of people since marijuana can be psychoactive.


For some people, cannabis has a more stabilizing effect. This usually depends on the strain that is chosen for treatment. Some marijuana strains are better for relaxing.


Other strains are more grounding and can help with vertigo. CBD oils and similar products can also be effective in treating vertigo.


CBD products don’t have much THC. Some don’t have any THC at all. THC is the psychoactive component of the cannabis plant.


So there’s no way to get high using CBD products, making them ideal for vertigo treatment.


  1. Walking


Sometimes vertigo can get so bad that you can’t walk.


Start by just taking a few individual steps. Use a walking stick or cane to help you if needed. Hiking poles can also come in handy.


Ask a friend or family member to walk with you. That way you can have someone catch you if you fall.


Walk regularly to increase your sense of balance. The average person should take at least ten thousand steps a day. However, taking more isn’t a bad idea.


If you walk regularly, your overall health will increase tremendously. This prevents vertigo and helps you be ready for when it comes.


  1. Yoga


Yoga is all about balance and breathwork.


Here’s an article on how yoga can be used to treat vertigo. It’s an ancient practice that combines the mind and the body.


Many people are skeptical of yoga when they first hear about it. But once you start practicing, you’ll see how good it is.


Of course, yoga might be difficult when you already have vertigo. There are easy, seated poses you can do during a vertigo spell.


Regular practice will prevent vertigo. It will help ground you and prepare you for vertigo when it comes. It’s easily combined with other treatment methods.


  1. Shiatsu


Shiatsu isn’t exactly an exercise per se.


It’s a traditional Japanese practice that is similar to yoga and combines elements of massage.


You should go to a certified shiatsu instructor. They will teach you how to treat your vertigo and give you exercises to do at home.


Regular massages aren’t a bad idea, either. Massages aren’t just for spa days. They are an important element of a healthy lifestyle.


However, shiatsu isn’t usually covered by insurance.




Vertigo can be tough to live with, but it isn’t impossible. If you take care of yourself, you can prevent vertigo.