6 Reasons Why You Need Compliance Management At Your Childcare Centre

6 Reasons Why You Need Compliance Management At Your Childcare Centre

As a childcare centre director, you are responsible for some of the most important people in your customer’s lives. When parents leave their children in your care, they need to know that you and your employees are capable and committed to their happiness and safety. An automated compliance management system helps your team achieve its goals more efficiently.


Easy Daily Task Tracking


One of the first benefits you are likely to notice once your system is in place is how much easier it is to manage staff tasks. A shared, automated system helps both you and your employees to keep up with daily compliance checklists:


  • Indoor safety checks


  • Playground inspections


  • Food and habit tracking


  • Diaper changes


  • Sleep schedules


As soon as a change is made, it is viewable by anyone who has permission to access the data. This can make each day run more efficiently, especially during shift transitions.


Smooth Regulatory Changes


The longer you work in childcare, the more chances you will likely see changes in corporate and government regulations. These updates directly impact your business. Employees must be informed and trained to comply with new policies and procedures. A compliance management system can streamline both training updates and reminders.


Simple Maintenance Reporting


One of the top priorities in the childcare industry is the safety of the children. Regular maintenance checks must be performed, and repairs should be made as soon as possible to keep your centre functional and safe. An automated system gives employees an easy way to report any maintenance issues they discover. It also helps you keep track of how long it takes to fix problems, informing decisions on any procedural improvements that need to be made.


Enhanced Customer Service


Every improvement a new reporting system makes to your operation means greater levels of customer service and satisfaction. This is especially important when different teachers work in a room when parents pick up their children than when they dropped them off. Equipping the last teachers of the day with all the necessary information from the full stay helps them give parents a full report. This, in turn, can increase customer confidence in the centre as a whole.


Improved Public Relations


Advertising that you use an automated compliance management system can be great for business. Comparing local childcare centres before making a final decision is easier than ever for parents. They may ask friends, but they also are likely to peruse your website and read other reviews. How well you report relevant updates to former or current customers can easily affect future enrollment. Accurate record-keeping is a huge selling point that gets you greater reviews and more referrals.


Reduced Legal Risk


If you can improve overall compliance at your childcare centre by changing to an automated system, you are less likely to run into legal problems. Even when there is an issue, tracking helps verify the procedures followed, and the specific actions are taken. Being able to provide accurate details for any situation that arises is useful, particularly if a legal question comes into play. For example, an efficient report of a registered complaint and how it was handled provides vital information should the issue come up in court. This can significantly lower overall risks and legal costs.


There is no downside to improving the way you report and retain records. An automated compliance management system allows your whole team to view the daily checklist update on a real-time basis. It helps you enhance the customer experience and bolster your reputation. You are likely to see the benefits of using a compliance management system as soon as you start using it.