7 Expert Tips for Traveling with Wine

7 Expert Tips for Traveling with Wine

Ever seen an attractive bottle of wine while traveling that you so much want to take back home? It is something that everyone might have experienced. However, it is not that easy. Packing wine in your luggage can be quite bewildering. Before you make any decision for carrying it, make sure you go through all the rules and regulations on the carriage of alcohol on an aircraft. It is utterly essential to abide by these rules that govern the limits on quantity or content of alcohol. Also, there are other things to keep in mind while packing alcohol with your luggage. To cut down the hassle, we have compiled a list of 7 expert tips for traveling with wine on your next trip:


1. Buying


bottle of wine


It is easy to be influenced by those beautiful bottles at the wine shop you may visit. However, buying wine from there may not be a wise decision for two reasons. The first reason being that most wine shops in the city are overpriced. Therefore, it is always better to buy alcohol from a duty-free shop, preferably at the airport. You might even find some funny wine hats there to go with your bottle, or you can find them online for some extra fun and laughs. The other reason is the inconvenience. Buying a bottle of wine on the first day of your visit to a new place may sound like fun. But it is highly inconvenient to carry it all along the way until you reach home. Thus, buying from a duty-free shop will be a better decision on any given day. Also, try to purchase wine from a duty-free of the last airport on your way back home so that it becomes even more comfortable to carry it.


2. Packing


wine while traveling


Always pack your wine bottles with as much padding around it as possible. Never place the bottle on the sides of the bag. Instead, line the sides with a layer of clothes and put the bottle in the center. It may prevent some impacts that may break the bottle but doesn’t guarantee total safety. If you are a frequent traveler who buys wine often, it is always a good idea to invest in a good wine bag. It not only adds a layer of cushioning around the bottle but also prevents the wine from ruining your clothes in case the bottle breaks. However, some precaution is mandatory when carrying a fragile item.


3. Carrying


The toughest part about carrying a bottle of wine in your luggage is not the accidental damage that may be caused by you. It is the ‘n’ number of impacts that your luggage is subject to until it reaches home. Right from the luggage carriers at the airport, nothing seems friendly to your bag that carries the precious spirit. If you are a prolific buyer of wine and other types of alcohol, you must invest in a hard suitcase to carry the bottles efficiently. Suitcases made from softer materials like canvas can prove to be a risky option. Even a small impact highly increases the chance of bottles getting damaged. Therefore, a hard-sided suitcase is the ideal option to carry wine bottles while traveling.


4. Quantity


The quantity of alcohol that you can carry with you depends on whether you’re adding them to your check-in luggage or carrying them with hand luggage. If you are carrying it in your hand luggage, you can only carry 100ml or less as regulated by TSA. Therefore, it is always wise to check in your alcohol bottles along with the luggage. As such, there are no restrictions on the quantity of alcohol you can carry in your baggage. But if the alcohol volume is less than 24 percent (including wine) but an upper limit of 5 liters per person is levied if the alcohol content is more than that. On top of that, every country has its own set of regulations for paying duty for different amounts of alcohol that can be carried. For example, in the U.S., only 1000 ml of alcohol is allowed to be carried without paying duty.


5. Type


Buying a Bottle of Wine


With all the limits on the quantity of alcohol you can carry, it is absolutely ridiculous if you bring back mediocre bottles of wine that you may later discover to be available back home. What you really choose to travel with depends entirely on your taste preferences. However, it also depends on the geographical location and culture of the place you are traveling. Bringing back local produce that is famous in that region can be a great souvenir for you as well as your loved ones. At the same time, buying a bottle of wine that is not available in your city can be a great decision too. Also, the type of alcohol you can carry depends on the airline regulations, customs department of your country and customs department of the country you may enter for a layover or transit. Make sure to check with respective authorities for a smoother travel experience.


6. TSA and Customs


As mentioned earlier, it is essential to abide by the rules laid down by the TSA and Customs department of your country. All countries have different rules concerning the amount and type of alcohol you can enter or leave that country with. For example, countries like Kuwait forbid passengers from carrying alcohol in the country entirely. A great tip would be to preserve the bill of purchase to prevent any inconvenience.


7. Drinking


traveling with wine


Though it might be allowed to carry some alcohol in your carry-on luggage, it is entirely against federal regulation to open your bottle of liquor on a flight. It is to limit the alcohol content in your blood safe enough to reach your destination conveniently.


Follow these tips and experience a great vacation the next time you travel with wine. Are you a frequent traveler? Get your hands on this carte du monde à gratter an excellent accessory for every travel enthusiast, which would allow one to navigate through different cities easily.