9 Reasons You Need to Visit Your Dentist/Practitioner Regularly

9 Reasons You Need to Visit Your Dentist/Practitioner Regularly



Regular visits to this experienced family dentist indialantic or one near you are critical to ensuring good oral hygiene. At every routine check-up, your dentist looks for plaque build-up and tartar, both of which are responsible for cavities.


During your check-up, your hygienist performs a deep, professional-level cleaning which will leave your smile bright, and your mouth healthier. It is essential that every six months, you book a routine visit to the dentist to avoid serious health problems and maintain good oral health.


  1. Dental Plaque, Tartar, and Cavities


Plaque builds up in the crevices of the teeth of negligent brushers and flossers. Even those who floss, and brush regularly may do so quickly and miss the small areas in the mouth which contain the highest levels of plaque. When plaque is left to sit in the mouth, it becomes tartar. This tartar is even harder to remove than plaque and will require the help of a dental hygienist.


Regular dental cleanings help prevent tartar build-up because dentists can eliminate plaque before it becomes tartar. What makes tartar so bad is that it enables cavities and holes to develop within your teeth. Regular visits to your dental practitioner can help you to avoid cavities before they develop.


Having cavities filled is uncomfortable, time-consuming, expensive, and avoidable. Regular cleanings are much cheaper than fillings.


  1. Gum Disease


Gum disease is caused by a build-up of plaque and tartar where the gum and tooth meet. This build-up causes an infection which then pulls the gums away from the tooth and eats away at them. If you have a family history of gum disease, you may be at a higher risk of developing gingivitis, especially if you neglect to visit the dentist regularly.


Gum disease or gingivitis is characterised by soreness, swelling, and bleeding in the mouth. If you experience bleeding and redness while brushing or flossing, you may be at risk of gingivitis.


Untreated gingivitis destroys the tissues and bone that holds the tooth in place, leading to periodontitis causing the teeth to fall out or become loose. When this happens, more drastic treatment is required. Sometimes, severe gum disease and tooth loss from gum disease requires the help of a specialist, which can be costly and require additional appointments.


  1. To Detect Serious Oral Health Problems


Regular check-ups at the dentist are necessary for diagnosing gingivitis, oral cancer, and other severe oral disorders that can pose serious health threats if not dealt with properly. Without the help of your dental practitioner, you likely will not catch these problems before they become threatening.


  1. Make Your Smile Shine


If you feel insecure about the condition and quality of your smile, seeing your dentist for cleaning will improve your self-confidence and overall appearance.


Your dentist will make sure your mouth feels clean, and your teeth are bright and healthy.


  1. Old Age


As we get older, we produce less saliva which acts as a natural cleanser in the mouth, eliminating bacteria and preventing dry mouth.


Dry mouth puts us at a greater risk for bad breath and plaque build-up, which are addressed at a regular cleaning.


Oral health is important at any age, and because old age puts us at a higher risk for tooth and gum disease, it’s essential to book regular dental check-ups.


  1. Confidence


Many people feel embarrassed by misaligned or discoloured teeth which negatively impact their self-esteem and confidence. But a routine visit with your dentist can help you address these issues and provides an opportunity to discuss features you’d like to change about your smile.


Many cosmetic dental improvement treatments are available such as teeth whitening, dental implants, veneers, and dental bonding.  


Braces and clear aligners are another way to improve your smile if you suffer from crooked, crowded, and gapped teeth. A number of discrete options including Invisalign and ceramic braces which not only give you beautifully straight teeth but are also less noticeable than other orthodontic devices, so you won’t be embarrassed in social or professional situations.


  1. Reassurance


Many symptoms of dental health problems are pronounced, such as acute dental pain which can be an indication of a more serious underlying problem including tooth decay or an abscess. If you are experiencing pain, you must visit your dentist immediately so they can repair any damage to your teeth and gums and help to relieve your discomfort.


However, regularly scheduled visits to your dentist even if you are not experiencing any obvious symptoms can help to reassure you that you are taking care of your teeth and gums, and also offer the opportunity for you to ask the dentist for a quick refresher on how to maintain good oral hygiene.


  1. Maintenance


Regular check-ups with your dentist also help catch small oral health problems before they become too serious. This often means that your dentist can treat them more effectively and apply preventative treatments such as fluoride or fissure sealants to protect your teeth between visits.


During your annual dental visits, your dentist can also give your teeth a professional clean to remove built-up tartar and plaque that can’t be removed by simple brushing alone. It is also an excellent opportunity to get your teeth whitened to remove any stains left behind by coffee, tea, and other dark food and beverages.


  1. Keep Habits under Control


Habits such as smoking have been linked with a variety of dental and periodontal issues including tooth decay and gum disease as smoking cause’s dry mouth and receding gums which put you at risk of bacterial infection at the root of your tooth. There are many resources available, including national quit helplines that can help you keep on track with your quitting goals.


Your diet also has a major impact on the health of your teeth and gums. Nutrient-rich foods that contain essential vitamins and minerals can help to protect teeth from acid wear and cavities by assisting with tooth remineralisation and creating protective biofilms over your teeth. On the other hand, foods high in sugar and acid deteriorate teeth causing decay and putting you at risk for infection.


Even seemingly innocuous habits such as biting your nails can cause your teeth to chip. Your dentist can advise you on lifestyle changes you can make to help break these habits that impact your oral health.




If you are worried about the cost associated with dental care, regular check-ups are vital because they prevent you from having to return for more complex and expensive treatments. In other words, maintaining a regular schedule for check-ups can save you money in the long run.


Check-ups help prevent cavities, catch oral health issues before they become serious, and help maintain adequate oral hygiene.


If the condition of your smile and the health of your mouth is important to you, visit your dental practitioner on a regular, biannual basis.


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York House Dental Practice, a Chesham and Amersham Dentist having 30 years of experience in delivering optimum pain-free dental care with dental emergencies. To know more, visit our website.