Advantages Of Evaporative Cooling System With a Buying Guide

Advantages Of Evaporative Cooling System With a Buying Guide

The evaporative cooling systems, alternatively known as the swamp coolers, are the system that uses the cooling powers of water coupled with a steady breeze to lower the temperatures of your rooms. These coolers work best in places where there is less humidity and a high temperature of the air. In this process, the evaporation property of water is used to cool the surrounding air by utilizing the moistened pads or cloths. The system draws water from the outer atmosphere and makes it pass through the moistened pads and results in cool airflow in the house’s interior parts.  


This is a whole different process compared to the air conditioning machines. It draws the air from outside and converts into a cooler breeze and makes it flow in the house’s particular area. It would be easier to understand the difference between these and the air conditioners, as these cooling machines do not have the cooling temperature control like the air conditioner machines.  


Evaporative Cooling Device Advantages


It has a lot of advantages over the conventional cooling machines. Some of them are as follows: 


  • There are more cost-effective options.


  • It can lower the room temperature rather than just blowing some cool air in the surroundings.


  • You can keep the windows and doors open while using it with any compromise in its efficiency.


  • You won’t need to make any alteration to your house for its installation. They can be mounted anywhere on the roof, window, or walls.


  • There is no chemical element in the air filtration process. It uses only natural air from the environment.


  • It causes no harm to the environment or the people inside the house.


Buying Guide 


There are a few factors that you need to consider before investing in any evaporative cooling system. Some of these factors are discussed below.


  1. Type of coolers


  • Direct
  • Indirect
  • Up Draft
  • Down Draft units
  • Side draft units
  • Portable


  1. Types of Pads


Once you have decided upon what type of cooler will be suitable for you, then you need to choose the type of padding you want in your machine. These pads have a direct impact on the performance of the system, are available in mainly two types – the fiber pads and the rigid media pads.  


Evaporative Cooling System


  • Fiber Pads: These are the less expensive variant of the pads. However, they need high maintenance as well as frequent replacements. These pads are made up of aspen wood shavings, cellulose fiber, and synthetic fiber. They are very cost-effective. These pads generally come with a thickness of one to two inches. The aspen wood material pads are more durable compared to the other ones. The fiber pads are mainly used in machines with multiple inlets.


  • Rigid Media Pads: These pads are comparatively expensive and require less maintenance. They can survive for years if maintained properly. The material used in making these pads is stacked in corrugated form. These pads are used when there is only one inlet. They can have a thickness of up to eight to twelve inches. These help in reducing the temperature of the room by increasing the humidity level of the space.


  1. Selecting the Brand


After selecting the type of the evaporative cooling system and the types of pads, next comes the selection of the reputed brands that you can rely on. Many brands manufacture good quality products. It would be best if you choose a branded product that serves all your requirements within your budget. 


Now, you must have a clear idea about the overall working process and the advantages of using evaporative cooling systems. We have tried to provide here a simple buying guide so that you can make an easy decision on buying a cooling machine for your home, office, warehouse or any other place.