Are You Making These 11 Carpet Cleaning Mistakes?

Are You Making These 11 Carpet Cleaning Mistakes?

Not only is carpet cleaning an arduous job, if things go wrong even a little bit, it can also go downwards from there. You may end up damaging your expensive carpets permanently. The amount of work and the quality of raw materials used to manufacture a grand carpet needs to have justice done to it by cleaning it regularly and correctly.


For this reason and many more, we have compiled a list of 11 common mistakes that people make while cleaning their carpets.


Mistakes you might be making while cleaning your carpets


Australia is one dusty piece of land! If care is not taken, things get dirty pretty quickly. In the pursuit of maintaining a clean and dust-free house, people try to do everything on their own and end up making a lot of newbie mistakes. Although it is recommended to hire professional carpet cleaners especially in urban areas such as Melbourne, Perth, or Sydney, you might go for doing it all by yourself. Here’s how you may go wrong:


Rough carpet cleaning


Carpets are generally made of wool and fibres, weaved together by hand or by machines. Even plastic-based carpets have some sort of weaving underneath the exterior. Flip the carpet and you’ll understand. Scrubbing the carpet vigorously may end up damaging these knots and weaves. Once broken, it is almost impossible to repair such minute damages. Scrubbing the carpet hard may also push the stains deeper into the surface making the problem more complicated.


Delaying carpet cleaning


A stitch in time saves nine. The old adage is one heck of advice. If your carpet is stained or its borders are torn apart, it is highly recommended to act quickly. Stains tend to become more stubborn as time goes on. If not addressed quickly, you might end up with a terrible permanent stain on your carpet. The only solution after this; throw the whole thing away and invest in a new and expensive carpet.


Not using the proper cleaning agents


Carpet cleaning is a field on its own. Professional carpet cleaners use steam and appropriate chemicals to deep clean your carpets. Do your research before investing in a cleaning agent. Consult pros if necessary. The best solution, in this case, is to send the carpet over to a professional carpet cleaner. Especially in cities such as Melbourne, professional carpet cleaners are easily available. If you don’t want to go down this route, make sure that your carpet cleaning and stain removal agents are proper.


Using excessive carpet cleaning chemicals


As aforementioned, carpets are made with meticulous handwork and have intricate weaves underlying the surface. Excessive chemical treatments while carpet cleaning can lead to damage and stains as well. Use only prescribed amounts of chemicals and only for the required duration. Again, we would like to mention professional carpet cleaners who have expertise in dealing with such situations.


Vacuuming irregularly and ignoring the carpet


Most of the major carpet problems can be avoided if you vacuum regularly and moderately. Services such as steam carpet cleaning are only required when the carpet gets very dirty. If your carpet does not have stains, simply vacuum cleaning it regularly can help you avoid major problems.


Not experimenting with carpet cleaning agents


Before you apply carpet cleaning chemicals on the carpet itself, try them out to know what their effects are like. You may encounter problems that you never imagined. Understanding the pros and cons of a cleaning product goes a long way in maintaining a clean and germ-free carpet. Make sure your carpet cleaning product does not stain, bleach, or stink up the entire carpet.


Wetting the carpet and not drying it properly


This is an important point to note. Often, people just wash the carpet and let it out to dry. This will never help. While wetting the carpet is never a safe option, a semi-dry carpet is a hotspot for germs, mould, and consequently, diseases. Never soak the carpet when using shampoos. If your carpets get mouldy, your only option is to either throw them away or call in professional carpet cleaners. Experts usually use steam carpet cleaning techniques which are quite easily available in Melbourne and other urban areas.


Renting bad carpet cleaning gear


Using obsolete or dirty cleaning equipment that may either be rented or owned by you is another big mistake. These things will only complicate the problems further. If you are planning to invest in an expensive steam carpet cleaner, for example, it’s just easier to hire experts to do the entire job for you.


Using cheap carpet cleaning deodorants


We understand that you want to keep your carpets perfumy and squeaky clean. However, if you use inferior cleaning chemicals and deodorants, it may bleach the carpet or worse, damage the delicate fibres. Vacuum cleaning after applying deodorants is not good enough as well. Vacuum cleaners are not built to pick up the stubborn deodorant powder and with time, these things accumulate on the surface, giving it an old and torn-down look.


Carpet cleaning with kids and pets around


You should always take your carpets away from children and pets before you begin cleaning them. The area should be a no-entry zone for both. While wet, your pet’s fur will stick to the carpet and make things worse for you. Talking about pets, if you do keep them, make sure that you vacuum regularly and get your carpet cleaned by professional carpet cleaners from time to time.


Avoiding professional help


We have emphasized this enough and we’ll do it once more. In cities such as Melbourne, Sydney, and Perth, you get these services at very convenient pricing. Carpet cleaning services including carpet steam cleaning are now accessible to everyone in large cities. Try an expert just once and you’ll understand what we’re talking about.




The cleaning industry in Australia is worth more than $12bn! You get the picture, right? In Melbourne alone, carpet cleaning services add a large chunk to the aforementioned figure. People are beginning to recognise the need to get professional carpet cleaning assistance. With time, this figure is most likely to grow by multiple folds.




Kelly Gale has been a professional cleaner for more than 12 years, she is an expert in cleaning services. Kelly is currently working with 365cleaners – are the best carpet cleaning and bond cleaning company in Melbourne. Kelly loves writing and sharing cleaning blogs.