Are You Planning to Conduct a Study?

Are You Planning to Conduct a Study?

As early as our student days, we have already encountered some research work as part of our school requirements. For one thing, doing research work requires resourcefulness, attention to detail, and strong analytical skills. Once the research work is done, you need to present your collected data and justify your findings.


These kinds of academic tasks might seem daunting for students. However, you can apply this knowledge once you have a job. Graduating with a master’s degree in business analytics will help you prepare for the future and be the best you can be, especially in the business world.


Starting a study


Conducting a study is essential, especially for scientific, academic, or business purposes. Researching about a particular topic can provide answers that no one even thought existed. It is also a way to test universally accepted beliefs and be able to come up with supporting data to support the claims.


As mentioned, research usually requires several steps. This is to ensure that the said study will provide accurate data and prove to be a successful one. Here are some things to consider when planning to conduct a study:


  1. Statement of the problem


Before starting a research study, you need to know why you are starting one in the first place. The problem should be something that can be life-changing or at least debunk commonly accepted beliefs that have no concrete proof as of this time.


  1. Finding sources


Once you have already determined the main problem, you need to know more about it and how it can be solved. A lot of articles online and other related literature can help with your research. When looking for online sources, make sure to check only legitimate sources instead of personal blog posts and the like.


  1. Narrow down your study.


After checking your sources, you need to break down your main problem into smaller subjects. This is to make your study more organized and as detailed as possible. These more minor details will help support your claims, which are supposed to answer your main problem.


  1. Determine your respondents.


A lot of studies require respondents as part of your data collation methodology. Your respondents will depend on the type of study you are conducting. For example, your research might require respondents belonging to a certain race, age group, household income, or gender. The respondents should be selected carefully – ones who are willing to provide information that will help a lot in your ongoing study.


  1. Data collection and analysis


By this time, you are now ready to conduct a study. You need to have time to complete the research and more. This is where the step-by-step research process will be applied. Once done, you need to collect and analyze the obtained data and come up with a sound conclusion to your stated problem.


Overall, these are the necessary steps you need to take to complete a study. We need to determine the problem, seek solutions, and apply those solutions to solve issues. Doing so can make our lives easier.