Baby Hair Care Guide: How to Accelerate Baby Hair Growth & Nourish Them?

Baby Hair Care Guide: How to Accelerate Baby Hair Growth & Nourish Them?

One of the biggest joys of the pregnancy stage is imagining how your baby would look. What color eyes will he/she have? Will s/he have blond, black or brown hair? In your imaginations, you might take a picture of a newborn with beautiful locks.


Well, that’s what makes babies look more appealing and adorable.


When it comes to a baby’s hair, you need to accept the fact that the hair quality may be thick or thin. If your baby didn’t get the hair texture, you imagined earlier, relax as it’s completely normal. Moreover, there are a series of ways to accelerate a baby’s hair growth while keeping their scalp well-nourished.


Let’s sail through some common yet effective ways to improve baby’s hair growth –


1 – Apply coconut oil – It may interest you to know that coconut oil is highly rich in natural vitamin E. It is a type of antioxidant to stimulate hair growth in babies and adults too. This hair oil type is known to add shine to your hair texture and eliminate the chances of hair loss. If blended with mineral and sunflower oil, coconut oil helps to reduce hair protein loss.


2 – Shampoo regularly – It’s common for new parents to be conscious about washing their baby’s hair daily. But regular shampooing leads to a cleaner scalp and loosens the cradle cap. If you are still conscious, go for a quality shampoo type. A tear free baby shampoo can be a preferred choice here. Prefer a plant-driven shampoo that locks moisture in the scalp keeping the baby’s head well nourished.


3 – Use a soft towel gently – Drying a baby’s hair is crucial for hair care. You need to be extra gentle here. Being rough on the baby’s scalp can damage the hair follicles permanently, leading to baldness or slow hair growth problems in the future.


4 – Diet – What you feed your baby plays an important role in strengthening the hair quality. However, you can’t make your newborn eat a wholesome diet like an adult. Therefore, pick baby foods nourished with every mineral and vitamin required for overall well-being (including good hair growth). Keep your focus on iron, vitamin D, vitamin A, B, and proteins.


5 – Avoid tying hair – A baby’s hair strands aren’t as strong as yours. You may feel the urge to tie your baby’s hair into a small ponytail to make them look cute. But avoid doing so as it is likely to damage their hair follicles. Rather use a silk or satin hairband to tie hair gently.


6 – Apply gelatin – Do you know gelatin is a type of amino acid that stimulates hair growth when applied on the scalp? So, blend it with a spoon of water and apply it to your baby’s scalp. You can also add honey and apple cider vinegar to obtain a smooth hair texture.


The takeaway –


Whether your baby is born with or without healthy hair texture, now it’s completely normal for infants to have several issues with their hair growth and loss. The best part is stimulating hair growth with some effective remedies (most of them are mentioned above).