Does Music Impact on Your Mental Fitness To Recover From Depression?

Does Music Impact on Your Mental Fitness To Recover From Depression?

Many people suffer from depression in their daily life. The main reason for depression is today’s busy lifestyle and more expectations from life. Due to more work and family responsibilities, people don’t get time for themselves and relaxation. Moreover, when they don’t get what they want at the right time, they enter into depression naturally.


Music is a powerful remedy to recover from depression. Many people have experienced a reduction in problems like anxiety and depression by merely listening to music. So let us dive deeper into the ways through which music can help fight depression in people.


What is Depression?


Depression is a disorder of mood that severely affects the way you think, feel and handle your work and daily activities. Depression can be new for some people, while for others, the symptoms can last for months. If the symptoms of depression last more than two weeks, you need to consult a doctor.


Symptoms of Depression


Many time people suffer from depression without even knowing the same. Therefore, it is essential to know the symptoms of depression so that one can know when to get the treatment. Let us check out this list of the signs that can occur to any person with a busy lifestyle.


  • Sadness and anxiety
  • Low energy and fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Difficulty in sleeping, and awakening in the morning
  • Loss of interest in activities
  • Difficulty in concentration and decision making
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Feeling of helplessness, guilt, and worthlessness


How Music and help in Depression


Music can help people recover from depression in many ways. Many therapists and psychiatrists suggest listening to music to people suffering from depression or anxiety. Music therapists are skilled musicians who can treat the symptoms of depression in patients. They have in-depth knowledge of music and music therapy. They can help diagnose the symptoms and recommend the right type of music to listen for a specific time.


Some Finnish researchers conducted a study on depression patients in 2011 and published the same in the British Journal of Psychiatrist. The research shows that the patients who received music therapy showed steady improvement than patients who received only standard care.


How does music therapy work?


In this therapy, a therapist addresses the physical, social, and emotional requirements of a patient using music. Music therapists create unique sounds and tones to allow patients to express themselves in non-verbal ways. The combined effect of melody and harmony stimulates the senses of patients and promote calmness by slowing the bodily functions like heart rate and breathing rate.


The music therapy, combined with talk therapy, can lead to a boost in dopamine levels that helps reduce the symptoms of depression in patients. The type of music used in treatment depends on the requirements of the treatment. Therapists use different types of music for different patients and depression levels. There is not a common type of music that works for every patient or individual.


During the process, the therapist talks to the patient and ask several questions about their past memories. Also they ask the patients how they feel about those issues. Actually, the memories and unresolved problems are the primary cause of depression in most patients. The therapist uses music to help patients meditate and relax their mind and body to help them relieve from depression.


Why does music therapy work?


The music therapy works because of plenty of reasons, but there are three main reasons.


Recover From Depression


Music therapy offers a sense of pleasure and meaningfulness. It is an experience that draws in the passive patient. People love listening to music that gives them pleasure and helps feel good. The good feelings and pleasure eliminate the negative emotions that are the primary cause of depression. If you want positive vibes that can help you get energized and out of a depressive state, tech house mix 2020 may help you with that.


It engages the body into the treatment and gets the patients moving. Although depression is a mental issue, engaging the body helps in the treatment. The physical participation of people helps them create a better connection between their body and mind which is essential to relieve depression.


Music therapy is relational, which helps people engage, interact, and communicate with each other. Many patients suffer from loneliness and negative experiences that cause depression. Music therapy helps them make connections and communicate with others which eliminate loneliness.


Moreover, talking with others offers them solutions to many of their problems. When people with the same problems meet under the supervision of a therapist, they find the solutions. When the problems are gone, the music heals them much faster than ever.


Two types of Music Therapies


There are two types of music therapies – Active and Passive. A music therapist uses both the therapies to address the depression problems of patients. For some patients, active therapy works better while for others, the passive one works best.


Active therapy


In the active music therapy, the therapist plays special healing music for the patient. The music plays for a set period of time. It encourages the hidden thoughts and feelings in the patient that might be creating trouble for him/her. The therapist will ask questions to the patient to dive deeper into his/her problems and treat them.


Passive therapy


In passive music therapy, patient listens to music and performs some relaxing activity such as meditation, drawing, or some other activity. The combined effect of music and the relaxation evokes some memories and feelings in the patient. The therapist then talks to the patient about the evoked memories and address them for proper treatment.


Final Words


Depression is neither permanent, nor it is temporary. It can happen sometimes, and it can occur again and again if the patient enters into the old thinking patterns. Once the patients get music therapy, they know what kind of music works for them.


The best way is to get a copy of music from the therapist to play it at home whenever the patient needs it. Also, you can visit a music store online and buy your favorite instrument to play music whenever you like. Music therapy is the best alternative medicine to heal from depression and learn to live a joyful life.