How to Deep Clean a Bathroom Like a Pro

How to Deep Clean a Bathroom Like a Pro

When we clean the bathroom, we want it to be as organized, fragrant and to be clean as possible. The bathroom should be thoroughly cleaned once a week and sometimes more often because it is susceptible to bacteria. Many of the bacteria found in the bathroom can be harmful, and some also cause skin infections and inflammatory processes in the body. The goal is to thoroughly clean the bathroom, and not just to make it look neat and tidy.


The professionals have shared their secrets, and we will be happy to use their tips for thorough bathroom cleaning.


Make a plan


If you have a large bathroom, a to-do list will help. When you get tired, you will know what the next task is, and it will motivate you to finish the job faster and more efficiently. Write down whether you should focus on the tiles on the wall or the floor. Always start with the dirtiest parts!


Clean up the accumulated clutter


If you want to clean the bathroom thoroughly, you will first remove everything from it. Take out cosmetics, bathrobes, towels, care products. It is advisable to review in detail all the products you use and to throw away those that have expired and those that you no longer need. You can also wipe them with alcohol or disinfectant to remove the bacteria that has accumulated on them. You can leave them in another room to dry.


Mirrors in the bathroom


Mirrors are an integral part of every bathroom, but we know they can get filthy quickly. If you do not want to clean the mirror with sprays, black tea comes to the rescue which can remove stubborn stains. You will also need a soft cloth to wipe. Wipe the mirror thoroughly and let it dry.


Finally, place everything back in its place and arrange it so that you know where everything is at all times. Make sure the surface of the washing machine is arranged in detail because there should not be too many products on it. The goal is to make the products in the bathroom clear and visible. When the bathroom is clean and dry, all you have to do is light a scented candle! With these little tricks, you will clean the bathroom like a professional in record time.


Wash floor mats and shower curtains


Water-collecting floor mats can be very filthy. Wash them according to the enclosed instructions and leave them to dry in the sun. The same goes for bathtub curtains. Bacteria accumulated on them can transfer directly to the body while we are taking a shower. Most curtains can be washed in a washing machine, and the detergent is enough to clean all the bacteria that have accumulated. If you notice mould on the curtains, add a little baking soda or vinegar to the washing machine, and the mould will disappear! While cleaning, open the window wide so that fresh air can enter. If you do not have a window in the bathroom, turn on the fan.


Clean Clogged Drain Pipes


Pipes can become clogged with hair and dirt. It is necessary to use pipe cleaners, especially when you notice that the water does not flow as intended. If you neglect the pipes in the bathroom, you will have to call a plumber and thus make an unnecessary expense.


Turn on the vacuum cleaner


It is important to vacuum all the dust. Devote special attention to remote corners around the washing machine or toilet bowl. Use the vacuum cleaner attachment to clean the tiles. Although we may not see it at first glance, there is a lot of dust in the bathroom, also hair and dirt that we take in every time we enter from the outdoors.


Surface cleaning


For thorough cleaning of surfaces, it is necessary to procure quality products used exclusively for sanitary ware in the bathroom. When you have thoroughly polished all surfaces, use a disinfectant that will eliminate all bacteria. Don’t forget to disinfect cabinets, faucet handles, and door handles.


Cleaning the bathtub or shower


It will take more time to clean the bathtub or shower. First, you need to moisten the whole surface with water and then spray the cleaning product. Instead of commercial products, you can also use products that are made at home and made from natural ingredients. They are cheap and efficient, but also environmentally friendly. Many women are allergic to products that contain a lot of chemicals. So it is a better solution to use natural products. Take a large sponge and run it over the surface until you see that it is brilliantly clean. If the water in your household is full of limescale, you may face stubborn stains. Spray the stains and leave the product to react for a few minutes. Then rub as hard as possible.


Cleaning the sink


Traces of facial product and toothpaste often remain on the sink. When cleaning the sink, pay attention to both the faucet and the handles, because stubborn stains can form in that place as well. It is advisable to apply a cleaning product, leave it to react, and then gently rub it with a moist cloth. If you notice stains from the water, cut the lemon in half and rub the surfaces. Lemon will make the surfaces shining clean and free of stains.


Cleaning the trash can


The trash can smell very unpleasant, especially if you do not wash it regularly and thoroughly. It is recommended to place a bag in which you will throw garbage, papers and wet wipes. Once a week wash the bucket and allow it to dry.


Cleaning the toilet bowl


Cleaning the toilet does not have to be complicated! The toilet brush will help you clean inaccessible corners. It is advisable to first leave the bacterial removal product to work according to the instructions. Some products say that they should be left on the surfaces for about half an hour. When the time is up, start cleaning the toilet thoroughly. You should also clean the outside of the toilet and the lid. You should also devote particular attention to the bidet. Gently rub the bidet with a cleaning agent, and then disinfect it! The bidet is a favourite aesthetic detail in the bathroom and should be perfectly clean and shiny.


Floor cleaning


If you’ve vacuumed the floors, that doesn’t mean you’re done with the cleaning. If you want to be sure you have eliminated all the bacteria, it is necessary to run a cloth or mop over the tiles. You will need a disinfectant or a solution of water and bleach. Rinse under running water and enable it to dry.


Author bio:


Alison Pearson is an interior design student. She is a content creator, but her ultimate passion is design and creation. She is also a bibliophile and her favourite book is “The Sound and the Fury” by William Faulkner. Follow her on Twitter.