How to Escape the 9-5

How to Escape the 9-5

Working a 9-5 job comes with many benefits including weekends and bank holidays off. However, plugging away at the same job in the same place can become a little boring. If you’re feeling like a serious shake-up is needed, you’ve just joined millions of people around the world who are searching for a way out of the same routine. Below, we’ll tell you how to break free while keeping hold of your financial stability.


Start Your Own Business


Running your own business gives you complete control over the hours you work, the projects you complete, and the passions you follow. However, starting a business isn’t for the faint-hearted because it calls for a lot of work, time, money, and dedication – and after all of that, there’s no guarantee of success.


If you’re considering starting a business, here are a few tips to steer you in the right direction.


  1. Choose a business niche you are passionate about to keep you engaged.
  2. Write a business plan detailing your goals, audience, finances, and strategies.
  3. Do research to find a viable market and audience.
  4. Seek funding through crowdfunding, loans, or personal investing.
  5. Let people know your business exists by executing a marketing strategy.
  6. You may not have the capacity to manage everything, so start hiring employees or selecting contractors.


Consider Fostering


Fostering is a fantastic way to give back to the community while breaking free of the 9-5 routine. As a foster carer, you have the opportunity to provide a loving and stable home to some of the most vulnerable children.


While being a foster carer doesn’t involve a traditional salary, you will receive an allowance to cover the cost of caring for children. If you want to find out more about becoming a foster carer and the financial support available, visit the Foster Care Associates website.


Become a Freelancer


Freelancing is fantastic for anyone wanting to follow their schedule and work from anywhere with a stable internet connection. However, sourcing enough clients to generate a reliable income will take a lot of time, so be prepared for times without an income. With this in mind, it’s a good idea to start your freelance project alongside your full-time job. 


Move Abroad


If you want to escape the daily grind and experience new cultures, then moving abroad is the best course of action. However, it’s a tough decision that will call for plenty of research. Here are a few things to consider before making the move:


  • Job market. Your country of choice must have job availability to suit your interests.
  • Cost of living. Moving abroad is expensive, so check to see if you can afford it.
  • Language barrier. Open up the job market by learning the language spoken in the country you wish to move to.
  • Culture shock. It may take time to adapt to new customs, so prepare to feel overwhelmed.
  • Visa requirements. Check the country’s entry requirements well in advance.


Getting away from the 9-5 routine will take a lot of work, but it’s by no means impossible. The route you take will depend on your financial situation, interests, and skills.