How to Improve Your Pool’s Energy Efficiency?

How to Improve Your Pool’s Energy Efficiency?

Swimming pools are fun, but they can be expensive. They waste quite a bit of energy, especially during those hot humid months. There are many steps that you can take in order to boost the energy efficiency of your swimming pool.


It should also be noted that evaporation plays a significant role in energy loss. Here, we will focus on how you can improve the energy efficiency of your swimming pool.


Solar Pool Cover


You can use a solar pool cover in order to improve your pool’s energy efficiency. They look like monolithic bubble wrap sheets and are designed to trap heat that is generated by the sun. The trapped heat is then conveyed to your swimming pool.


Solar pool covers will ensure that you and yours will stay nice and warm when you swim. Heat loss will be prevented, which is a must during those cooler months and cooler nights.


Some of the cover types at your disposal include vinyl, polypropylene and UV stabilized polyethylene. Bubble covers use a thicker grade of plastic than the plastic used to make conventional bubble packing material.


In addition, they include state-of-the-art UV inhibitors. Vinyl covers last longer than bubble covers and are also manufactured using a heavier material. Plus, you can choose an insulated vinyl cover that is made with a layer of insulation that is thin and flexible. The insulation material is placed between 2 layers of vinyl.


Solar pool covers will increase the temperature of your pool water. They will help you save on your energy costs and will also help you conserve water. Another benefit is that solar pool covers will reduce the loss of chemicals, which will also reduce your costs.


Install a Windbreak


Pool water evaporation can be prevented by installing top-of-the-line windbreaks. Wind actually accelerates the evaporation process, so you can install windbreaks in order to reduce the speed of the wind.


If you want to add windbreaks to your pool then you can do so via landscaping. The contractor will add windbreaks around a swimming pool upon request.


Types of Energy Efficient Pool Equipment


You can heat your pool using solar energy. Simply take advantage of sunlight in order to heat your pool. Solar energy is not only environmentally friendly but also very energy efficient as well.


However, one of the issues with solar energy is that you will be forced to rely on it which may cause issues during the fall or spring. You can use a heat pump in order to heat your pool during cloudy or rainy days.


A heat pump does not rely on the sun in order to function. Heat pumps are very efficient, durable, easy to use and also affordable. Fuel pool or gas heating systems are sometimes used in order to heat pools. However, they are not environmentally friendly devices.


The long service life of heat pumps is also commendable. If efficient pool heating is a top priority for you, then you need to choose a high-quality pump.


Solar water heaters are frequently used in order to heat sanitary facilities and residential heating facilities as well. The number of panels that are set on the roof will determine the exact application of the heater.


While solar water heaters are usually used in order to heat homes they can also be used in order to heat your pool. Your solar water heater will require energy in order to work, but it is a more environmentally friendly option when compared to fuel and gas heating.


A high quality solar water heater may cost you several thousand dollars. They also function at a lower efficiency on overcast days, which can be perceived as a disadvantage.


If you do decide to use your pool on an overcast day then the solar water heater will need to work very hard in order to keep your pool warm. If you want your pool to remain warm for a prolonged period of time then you will need to continue to rely on the sun.


Due to the aforementioned disadvantages of solar water heaters, we would not recommend them as your first option for heating your pool.


Pool heaters, which can be broken down into natural gas and propane, serve as yet another option for heating your pool. Natural gas heaters can be used if you want to maintain a temperature that is constant, regardless of the weather.


However, the operating costs can be quite high if you want to use a natural gas heater. One of the benefits of a natural gas heater is that it can heat your pool very quickly so if speed supersedes cost for you, then natural gas will fit the bill nicely.


Gas heaters are a superb option if you only use your pool periodically. For example, if you only use it on weekends or during the holidays. While the cost to operate a gas heater may be higher, at least initially, it is a good choice if you do not use your swimming pool frequently.


You will also need to determine if a gas line has already been installed near your home. The cost and availability of gas in your area may also play a part in your decision.


You will also need to connect your gas heater to a propane tank on a regular basis, and you will also need to refill it regularly as well.


Enjoy Your Pool Year Round


You can use your pool all year round in order to enjoy quality time with your friends and family. Your pool can help relieve mental and physical stress and tension, which is essential during these precarious times.


You can also choose from fully customized spas and pools that cater to your unique needs and/or preferences. However, if you do decide to invest in a pool, then you should try to reduce energy wastage in order to enhance your pool’s energy efficiency.


Author Bio:


Stephanie Alexander is a blogger. She is currently a blog manager, predominantly based in the Greater Toronto Area, managing content for a few different blogs for different clients with wildly varying information needs or topics of interest. She likes to research topics mainly related to home improvement. Most recently she graduated from the University of British Columbia with her Bachelor’s in Business Administration and Creative Writing with Honours.