Make Math Fun for Your Child with These 7 Suggestions

Make Math Fun for Your Child with These 7 Suggestions

Making children love and appreciate math can be challenging for many parents. This subject requires heavy brainpower to master, and kids view this as hard work. What’s more, some parents tend to tell “math is hard” stories. They recall their experience when they were struggling with complex equations, formulas and exponents during their childhood years. As a result, kids pick up this attitude and believe that mathematics is a struggle they have to face while they’re in school.


Proficiency (or at least competent) in math is necessary to survive in today’s world. People use mathematics in shopping, cooking and personal finances. Also, certain careers, such as engineering, accounting and information technology, require above average skills in math.


If you find your little one dreading at the thought of math, here are seven suggestions to make this subject educational, interesting and fun:


  1. Be Familiar with the Learning Standards of Your Child


You should know the math skills that your young one should learn in his current grade. If your child is in the fourth grade, for instance, they should be learning how to:


  • Solve multi-step word problems using the basic arithmetic operations
  • Multiply whole numbers with fractions
  • Understand the relationships between various units of measurement (ex. 1 foot is equivalent to 12 inches)
  • Discover the properties of various shapes and measure their angles


If you’re familiar with the lessons your kid should be learning, you could complement those math skills with activities at home.


  1. Hire an Experienced Tutor


If your child is struggling with math but you’re not sure how to cover certain topics, you could hire a tutoring services provider that teaches math in a fun and engaging way. Choose tutors who personalize the lessons for your child. You could also hire tutors who use educational apps and other types of technology to make the subject more interesting.


  1. Make Math Relevant to Your Child’s Life


Some children may feel turned off when they are unable to find a purpose for what they’re learning at home or in school. Take this opportunity to show just how useful mathematics is in real life. Involve them in math-related activities, such as counting coins. If you have older children, they could help you estimate the grocery bill while you’re shopping at the supermarket.




  1. Incorporate Math into Everyday Activities


Find out the activities that your child likes and enjoys. Then, integrate mathematics into these tasks. Think of this as a supplement to your child’s learning routine.


Here’s an example: say your little one likes to help you bake cookies and other sweet treats in the kitchen. When preparing the dough, for instance, ask your child to measure ingredients in parts or wholes.


You could also integrate basic arithmetic problems during cooking. An example is to ask your little one, “This recipe needs five eggs. I’ve already placed one in the mixing bowl. How many more do we need?”


  1. Turn Mathematics into a Game


Some children see math as tough work or an obstacle. You can change that view by turning math into a game. Use math video games or mobile apps to help make this subject fun and interesting.


  1. Reward Kids Who Master Math Skills


If your child has mastered counting, basic addition and other related skills, go ahead and reward them for a job well done. The reward itself doesn’t have to be expensive. It could be a tasty dessert or a couple of hours watching television.


  1. Teach Child Math Concepts at an Early Age


The toddler stage is an excellent time to introduce your little one to the world of math. When teaching math, make sure to make every learning event fun and enjoyable. A few basic concepts you could teach are the following:


  • Comparisons – Your young one will identify and examine specific characteristics of different objects, and then make judgements on how they’re different or the same. Have your child play games that involve comparing the number and size of objects.


  • Seriation – This mathematics concept entails ordering objects or ideas logically — specifically, as a series. Play with your little one using toys that they can manipulate, such as blocks or stacking rings with different sizes.


  • Patterns – This concept helps people understand how the world works in predictable and logical ways. Introduce your child to patterns through entertaining games, such as dancing, peek-a-boo, singing and feeling of different textures.


Take note of these seven strategies to make mathematics interesting for your kids. When you’re making math fun for your child, show them that learning this subject is a natural thing. Assure them that math isn’t as difficult as it looks or sounds.