Rideshare Accidents in San Diego and How an Attorney Can Help

Rideshare Accidents in San Diego and How an Attorney Can Help

Uber radically changed how people commuted to various parts of their native US city since it came into the market back in 2009. The situation is much the same in San Diego, with a vast majority of the city’s over 1.39 million population relying on rideshares such as Uber and Lyft to travel around comfortably.


But a reliable uber, lyft and rideshare lawyer San Diego can testify that not all drivers are careful and professional on the job. Many indulge in speeding and other reckless driving that puts the passengers and other unsuspecting vehicles at risk.


This kind of rash driving often leads to accidents on busy San Diego roads and intersections, injuring passengers, drivers, and bystanders alike.


Here’s a quick overview of these accidents in the city and what a lawyer can do for residents who fall victim to such tragic incidents.


What Residents Must Do Following An Accident


Ridesharing is a multi-billion-dollar industry in the US, proving how popular this way of travel is among ordinary people in everyday life. However, many drivers do not take proper precautions while driving in San Diego, causing the vehicle to crash or collide with another motor vehicle or objects on the road.


Reputable San Diego accident lawyers advise that residents falling prey to such incidents contact the police immediately. Also, they must seek medical help, take photos of the crash site, and gather other critical evidence from the site. Moreover, it is pivotal never to accept blame for the crash to the local insurance company or anyone else at the scene, as it could adversely impact the case outcome.


Understanding Rideshare Settlements In San Diego


Know that rideshare drivers are not allowed to ply on any San Diego or California roads unless they have passed rigorous background checks and driving tests. Also, all professional drivers need to possess insurance, like every other driver in the city.


But since Uber and other companies offer approximately 1 million dollars in accident insurance cover to anyone accepting a ride in their cab, most cases settle with ease in San Diego. The case can become a bit complex if there is a third party in the collision, causing their insurance company to become involved in the claim.


Under California laws, if the Uber or Lyft driver responsible for the accident flees the site, the company can be sued for the damages. Moreover, with statistics showing that one Uber ride is booked every forty-five seconds in the state, the dependency of the locals on these transportation companies is bound to increase.


Why Hiring A Lawyer Is Critical


Employing the expert services of an Uber, Lyft and rideshare lawyer in San Diego is paramount if you want to recover damages and losses because of the accident. The legal specialist can prove that the cab company is responsible for the crash and not the passenger, ensuring the guilty party becomes liable to bear all the expenses and losses.


Typically, San Diego legal experts begin the process by sending a demand letter and then filing the civil claim. Once the rideshare party receives the civil suit, both parties start settlement negotiation. If they cannot reach an agreement, the claim goes to court.


Therefore, hiring a San Diego legal expert can help city residents claim damages to recover from their grave physical injuries and emotional trauma from the accident.