Signs That Your Wisdom Teeth Are Coming In

Signs That Your Wisdom Teeth Are Coming In

Almost all of us will have wisdom teeth that usually come in during the teenage years. This is the third set of molars that erupt on top and bottom and both sides. The typical time for these teeth to come through is between the age of 17-21 so if you are approaching your mid-teenage years, here are some signs that your wisdom teeth are about to erupt.


  • Gum irritation – You might feel a slight tingling sensation on the gums near the second set of molars, which can be a sign that the wisdom teeth are starting to push through. An online search will help you find the best dentist in Brisbane or in your local area. They would take some X-Rays and the dentist would offer professional advice, which might be extraction.


  • Dull ache at the back of the jaw – Wisdom teeth are the largest of the molars and pushing through the gums can cause a dull ache at the bottom of the jaw. This might be very slight and could be accompanied by tingling gums, as the eruption affects the gum nerve endings. Should this be the case, make an appointment with your local dentist.


  • Facial pain – The added pressure on the jaw can cause pain under the eyes or on the cheeks. Don’t overlook this, as it is a sure sign that the wisdom teeth are, in fact, about to come in. Even though the pain doesn’t seem jaw-related, pressure on nerves can cause pain and discomfort in areas of the face and neck.


  • Darker than normal gums – Around the area where the wisdom teeth will show, the gums are often darker than normal. You can check by using the bathroom mirror, while this redness would be accompanied by added sensitivity and possibly swelling of the gums.


  • Small white spots – You could feel these with your tongue, which are the tips of the teeth and when you reach this stage, there is likely to be some pain or discomfort. When the top of the teeth starts to break through the gum tissue, you should make an appointment with you dentist.


If your son or daughter is experiencing wisdom teeth eruption, it might be that nothing needs to be done. After an initial examination and some questions on personal information, the dentist can make a recommendation. If you need a recommendation, check out for a professional opinion.




As you probably know, we are in a constant state of evolution and while 2000 years ago, we needed a set of big molars to chew food, civilisations developed. We now eat mainly processed foods. Much like the tonsils, the wisdom teeth are no longer necessary. In many cases, the dentist will recommend extraction. Many experts predict that humans will experience changes in their physical make-up in the future. Our brain will enlarge while our body will shrink, as we no longer need brute physical force, but these changes take hundreds of thousands of years, if not longer.




It is very much the luck of the draw as to whether your wisdom teeth eruption will require treatment. It is highly recommended to always visit your dentist when you have any oral issues.