Software Asset Management Best Practices That Will Save You Money

Software Asset Management Best Practices That Will Save You Money

Software asset management is an often overlooked part of business, but the truth is, it’s something we all need to pay attention to. The fact is, you probably have the software you no longer use on your systems, and that’s a problem. The software you have installed on your systems can be costing your business, even if you aren’t using all of it. This article will discuss software asset management, its importance, and why it’s vital to businesses.


Software asset management (SAM) is the process of cataloging, tracking, and maintaining software licenses within a business.


This process is often overlooked and underfunded, but it can save your business thousands of dollars in software costs. Spending a few hours researching and implementing SAM can save your business thousands of dollars each year.


In theory, software asset management (SAM) seems pretty simple: license software, use software, and delete software when you’re done. In practice, it’s a bit more complicated.


For example, your company may use a third-party software vendor, or you may have software that you develop in-house. The best practices for SAM vary depending on what you’re managing, but there are some principles that apply across the board.


Software Asset Management Best Practices


Streamline the Process


Software asset management (SAM) is a valuable tool for streamlining IT operations, but it can be difficult to implement without proper planning. Failing to properly plan SAM efforts can result in lost time, resources, and money and can lead to a chaotic environment that is difficult to manage.


In order to avoid these pitfalls, it is important first to understand the role that software asset management plays in your business and what you need it to do to move your business forward. Then, you can start planning your SAM initiatives to fit your business needs.


Track the Software


Software asset management (SAM) is used to ensure that all software licenses are being properly used and to track software owned by the organization. SAM is used to manage the purchase, installation, and distribution of licensed software and to ensure compliance with license agreements.


In short, SAM is a method of controlling the use of software within your business to avoid software piracy and legal complications. As a result of SAM, the organization gains control over software costs and compliance with licensing agreements.


Controlling the Use of Software


Software Asset Management (SAM) is a crucial process in any organization, but it takes a lot of time and effort. Software asset management (SAM) is used to ensure that all software licenses are being properly used and to track software owned by the organization.


SAM is used to manage the purchase, installation, and distribution of licensed software and to ensure compliance with license agreements.


In short, SAM is a method of controlling the use of software within your business to avoid software piracy and legal complications. As a result of SAM, the organization gains control over software costs and compliance with licensing agreements.