Spring Is Here: How to Keep the Pests Out?

Spring Is Here: How to Keep the Pests Out?

The colder and wetter the winter the longer Spring can seem to take to arrive, which is why you’re so grateful when it does. But, you’re not the only one. Spring brings warmer weather and, often, heavy rain.


The warmer weather wakes dormant pests and encourages them to come looking for food, the rain sends them scurrying out of their below-ground hiding places, your home can look like a very attractive option. That’s why you need to take steps early in the spring to keep the pests out.


Step 1 – Pest Control


Most people don’t consider calling their local pest control service at the beginning of spring, especially if there is no evidence of a pest issue.


However, this is the very best time to call them! They will be aware of the most common pests in your area, something that is particularly relevant if you’re new to the area or have moved over the winter. Don’t assume that you’re facing the same pests just because you still live in the same town.


But, more importantly, your local exterminators will be able to assess your house and yard, they’ll find any existing pest issues and be able to advise you on the most likely access points for pests. There is also a possibility that pests are living in trees surrounding your lawn area that add up to your problem. Tree service professionals can help you with insect and pest control.


You can then take steps to keep the pests out for the spring and the summer. If the animal is larger than a rat, such as a raccoon or opossum, you’ll need to call a wildlife removal company instead of an exterminator.


Gaps Around Doors & Windows


Pests can get into your home through surprisingly small gaps. For example, ants can fit under virtually any door, while a mouse can get through a hole as small as a ¼ inch.


The first thing you need to do is clear the debris from your doors and windows, ideally, you should clear all plant growth from the edge of your home. You can then locate any small gaps that could be an access point for your pests.


As soon as you see any you should seal them up, this will stop the pests entering or exiting.


It’s worth checking any air vents you have as well, they should have a mesh over them which will stop pests getting in. If there is no mesh or it is damaged then replace it. You’ll need to keep an eye on the area to ensure that it doesn’t become damaged and give access to pests.




You’ll probably want to open your windows a bit more as the spring, and then the summer, bring warmer weather. Airing your house is a good thing.


However, a wide-open window is an invitation for many pests, especially flies and mosquitoes, both of which carry a number of dangerous diseases.


The easiest way to deal with this is to add fine mesh to your windows this will allow you to open them without giving the pests a free entry point.


Concrete Edging


It is also worth looking at the edge of your home. Flower beds can look lovely against the side of your house, but, they also provide hidden spots for pests and make it very easy for termites to burrow through the soil and into your foundations.


To avoid this issue it’s a good idea to put a concrete strip around your home, at least 12” wide. This will make it much more difficult for termites and other pests to get into your home.


Food & Drink


Now you need to think about food and drink, all life forms need them to survive. Unfortunately, a crumb may seem like nothing to you but it is an open invitation to a mouse or fly, giving them a meal for several days!


You need to start a new habit, all opened food packets need to be placed inside sealed containers and stored in cupboards.


You should also wipe down your sides and wash your dishes as soon as they are finished with. Using a disinfectant spray can help to ensure there is nothing left to appeal to your flying pests.


Don’t forget to give all your cupboards a good clean, this will make sure there is nothing to tempt the pests.


Don’t forget that water and moisture are also very attractive to pests. Eliminate all standing moisture, whether it’s the water droplets in your sink or the pet water bowl. You should also check your pipes for leaks, even the smallest dribble can cause enough water to keep pests alive.


The fact that a leak will also cost you money and corrode your pipes is simply an extra reason to get the issue sorted.


If you’re unsure about this, don’t forget that mosquitoes need standing water to breed, eliminating this from your home will reduce your attractiveness to mosquitoes.


Gutters & Clutter


Water can also collect outside the home, especially in gutters and downpipes. Check yours to ensure they are clean and operating properly if they are blocked remove the blockage and clean the gutters, you don’t want to provide water and decaying matter for your pests.


Wood Piles


Wood piles are an extra danger as they provide plenty of opportunities for mice or termites to hide, before making the dash to your home.


The first step, if you really need a woodpile, is to make sure it’s at least 6 feet from your home. You should also clear any other clutter around your garden, such as dead wood and vegetation from the winter. Pruning plants and trees will also help to ensure that pests can’t get to your home too easily.


Final Thoughts


Spring may bring the right weather for pests but it also makes it easier for you to get out and do the chores you’ve been meaning to do.


This is a great time to tackle any home improvement jobs you’ve been planning, and you should have the enthusiasm and energy to do them!


Don’t forget, it’s much easier to prevent pests from getting into your home than it is to eliminate them and then deal with the damage they’ve caused. A little effort in the spring really is worthwhile.