The Importance of Sanitary Bins to Your Business

The Importance of Sanitary Bins to Your Business

If you own a huge company that is visited by thousands of people on a daily basis here is why you should consider taking extra good care of your bathrooms’ hygiene.


Hygiene and cleanliness thanks to sanitary bins


We’ve all at least once tried to make a DIY toilet seat cover out of paper because there was no proper way to clean and sanitise the public toilet. This can especially pose a problem in large and busy buildings where tons of people are using the toilet on a daily basis. With hectic cleaning schedules and a lack of proper waste disposal systems, you can see how easily the toilets can become messy.


Lack of sanitary supplies and sanitary bins can actually pose a health risk to anyone who uses these toilets. Taking care of sanitary supplies regularly is also very important. Overfilled sanitary bins can especially cause problems since spilled sanitary products on the floor can cause a build-up of bacteria. This can expose anyone who walks into several harmful diseases such as pathogens like Hepatitis B and HIV as well as some of the vermin infestations.


In addition to that, not having adequate sanitary disposal sends a wrong message about your company. It shows that hygiene and your customers’ health and safety aren’t important issues for your business. This can put your reputation at risk. So, make sure you have enough sanitary supplies and that they get regularly changed and checked.


Lack of sanitary bins can lead to plumbing problems


Most women have at least once had the uncomfortable experienced of not having where to throw their used pads and tampons in the public restrooms. In most cases, they try to flush them down the toilet if there is no appropriate disposal bin available. This can cause some serious plumbing problems that you certainly don’t want to deal with.


Just a few years ago, this was a serious issue in the UK since there was so little awareness around the topic that no one actually thought of working on it. However, in the meantime, there has been an increase in awareness and many companies and public facilities have started taking this issue into account.


Most women would much rather just flush their used tampons down the toilet than carry them around until they find a suitable disposal unit which is perfectly understandable. This, however, is not an ideal solution because it causes major plumbing problems. Most drains just aren’t fit to carry more than a toilet paper. Having to carry dozens of tampons and menstrual pads on a daily basis, the toilets would end up stuck with some serious blockage and flooding issues. Just by simply installing proper sanitary bins in your restrooms you can avoid all of that hassle.


Sanitary bins have an environmental role


If you think that having to constantly call your plumber is the only issue you would be facing, then there’s something more you need to know. Constant use of plastic in this fast-paced world that we live in is causing more and more environmental issues on a daily basis. This has been a huge burden on the environment and is only growing bigger.


The plastic waste created per year is terrifyingly huge. For instance, single-use sanitary products such as tampons made make somewhere around 200,000 tonnes of plastic waste per year and that’s just in the UK. All of this waste ends up on the beaches endangering many animal species all around the world. Many of these plastic wastes end up merging with a lot of grease and other materials to form ‘fatbergs’.


Companies and businesses are encouraged and urged to move towards making more eco-friendly decisions to ensure a better future for our population. Whether you choose to ban single use plastic straws or switch to some more energy-efficient light bulbs, making any kind of contribution towards a positive goal is more than welcome. Making a conscious decision to be a part of a huge change and actively contribute to it will also attract many new customers and potential employees and partnerships.


Even if you can’t yet move on to using solar energy to power your lights, other small steps count too. So, one of the first things you can take care of is ensuring that your company meets the required environmental regulations for sanitary waste disposal. This way, you will be preventing lots of environmental damage and maintain a very positive reputation.


The social discourse surrounding sanitary bins


Lastly, besides being environmentally friendly, making sure that your restrooms are properly equipped shows that you care about your staff and visitors’ needs. Women’s health and menstrual issues are pretty common topics these days and women from all around the world have been raising awareness about the importance of these topics and issues such as period poverty affecting millions of women.


Even though we’re living in the 21st century, the topic of menstruation is still pretty much taboo. The lack of empathy for menstrual symptoms at work is just one of the issues women have to face every day. On top of that, not having proper disposal options in public bathrooms just makes things even worse. That is why making sure that your visitors feel comfortable and like their issues are taken seriously should be your number one priority when it comes to your companies restrooms.


Male-dominated industries tend to neglect these issues that females are facing on a daily basis. Not providing your staff and visitors with basic hygienic supplies puts people in a really uncomfortable place. By installing sanitary bins will help many of your female staff and visitors feel less anxious about using your bathroom.




All things considered, there are many reasons why making sure your public restrooms are clean and well-supplied is necessary. Among many things, by making sure you take good care of your company’s waste disposal and that people who work for you feel comfortable enough to use your bathrooms, you can create a healthy environment and bring awareness to some of the most important issues of the 21st century.