The Power of Pets: Why Owning a Pet Is Good for Your Health

The Power of Pets: Why Owning a Pet Is Good for Your Health

Several studies linking the similarities between humans and pets have long been studied and proven over the years. Research published by the College of Veterinary Medicine in Michigan State University found that their working relationship flourishes as the human-animal bond evolves.


Pets and their humans benefit from one another. Fur babies provide comfort, protection, and service to their human counterparts, and in return, they get love, caring, and basic needs such as food, water, and shelter.


The popularity of pets across the United States is on the rise. According to the 2019-2020 National Pet Owners Survey,67% or a total of 84.9 million U.S. households own a pet. That’s about an 11% increase since the first survey conducted in 1988. Among the list of pets, dogs and cats still hold the top spot as 67.4 million pet owners prefer having one in their household.


The increase in pet ownership doesn’t come as a surprise as animals are proven to make us feel good and stay well. But how do our furry friends become beneficial in improving our health?


  1. Good for the heart


A study conducted in 2008 found a 40% chance for people who never owned a cat to die of heart attack than those who haven’t. Moreover, a separate study also proved that pet owners have a better survival rate after a major cardiovascular event. Viewing fish on an aquarium display is confirmed to calm your heart rate. There is something therapeutic that fulfills the human need for touch and affection; thus, a simple stroke or hug to your pet quickly soothes your nerves. So, before you kiss your pet good night tonight or proceed with your daily routine, don’t forget to thank them for taking extra care of your heart.


  1. Keep you fit and healthy


Owning a pet, whatever species and breed they may be, gives you unbeatable physical exercises and activities. Playing games with them is fun and beneficial for both of you. You may not realize it, but reinforcing desirable behaviors that revolve around daily obedience training provides them mental stimulation. Moreover, it also adds and improves your fitness routine and eventually strengthens your bond.


  1. Provide emotional support


The companionship pets provide their owners with comfort and relieve stress and alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression. This is because a stress hormone called cortisol lowers, and the happy hormone called serotonin increases as a result of being with your pet; thus, it usually only takes a few minutes to feel calmer and less stressed.


Our pets help us become more mindful and be present because of their nature to live in the moment.


  1. Aid in allergies


This may come as a surprise, but contrary to popular belief, exposure to pets, particularly dogs, was found to have lowered the risk of developing asthma and allergies. According to James E. Gern, MD, a researcher, and pediatrician, infants who grew up in a household together with a pet have a lesser chance of developing pet allergies. They are also less likely to have eczema, a common skin allergy caused by soaps, heat, low humidity, and the likes.


And while this may not be particularly helpful for those who have previous and existing allergies, this is excellent news, especially for those contemplating owning a pet before starting a family.


  1. Add meaning and joy to your life


Aging is inevitable. And as we go through that process, we slowly lose the things we used to enjoy, we part ways with people dear to us, and may even have accomplished life’s purpose. What do we do then? Humans are wired to take care and be taken care of. Thus, when everything else loses, caring for another beating heart can bring back that pleasure and help you boost your sense of self-worth and morale. Knowing that you’ve provided another breathing creature a home can add to your sense of fulfillment thus, maintains connection and increases vitality.


Owning and taking good care of a pet benefits both children and adults from all walks of life. They provide a source of relaxation, calmness and stimulates the mind, body, and soul. Finding the perfect pet for you and your family can lead to a doorway full of learning, love, and health benefits. However, it’s important to note that being a responsible pet owner is just as important.


Caring for a furry friend does not solely mean getting the health benefits mentioned; it’s the love and immense joy they bring to our lives that matters. Give them the best care anyone can offer, and they’ll be loyal to you forever.