Things You Need to Know About AC Repair

Things You Need to Know About AC Repair

When you fire up your AC for the upcoming summer, do you hear a rattling noise? A sound that you do not recognize? Is the system cooling? There could be a number of things wrong with your unit.


If your air conditioner stops cooling one day all of a sudden, what do you do? You start panicking and try to see what is the problem. While this sounds like the right thing to do, but is it really? An ideal thing to do would be to call a professional who can come and take a look at your air conditioner to pinpoint the source of your problem.


According to Air Conditioner Repair in Houston, this article will tell you everything you need to know about AC repair and how to ensure its wellbeing over the years.


But first, let’s start with potential problems that can affect the efficiency of your AC and a sign that it needs professional intervention.


When your AC stops working


If your AC just wouldn’t work, then you need to check if the batteries in your thermostat still have any juice in them. If the batteries are good, then check for the circuit breaker. If that looks ok too, then set it to cool. If you still cannot make it work, then you need to call an expert.


When your AC cools unevenly


Sometimes you will notice that one room in your house is freezing while other is too warm to sleep at night. If that’s the case, then you need to check the ductwork to ensure everything in intact. You can also perform some basic checks to look for leaks in either the ductwork or the insulation. These are some top causes for uneven cooling in the house. If you can’t get to the source of the problem, you need to call a technician.


When your AC stops cooling the house


If that is the case, then it is perhaps due to a dirty air filter that has been unchanged and is now clogged with dust and debris. Start by cleaning the air filter. If that doesn’t make any difference to the problem, then you can check the thermostat. If all looks fine here, then head out and check the outdoor unit. Is it covered by overgrowth? Is anything leaking? If you can’t find any obvious, you need to find someone who can!


When your AC leaks water


It is common for leaked filters, cracked drain line, or an ill-fitted insulation from the refrigerant line to cause drips and leaks. Check these issues visually to know the problem. If you can’t see the source of the problem, then call a cooling expert to come have a look for you.


When your AC has frozen coils


Frozen coils are caused by low refrigerant and/or obstructed airflow. To check the airflow, you must inspect the air filter and ensure that it is not clogged. If the filter is dirty, take a look at the ductwork to see if there any disconnected sections. If you can’t find the problem yourself, then you need to call an expert.


You need to do these inspections to check if it is something you can handle or you would need a skilled person for it. If you need the latter, then use the following tips to find a reliable technician or repair company.


Tips for Choosing a Good HVAC Repair Service


  • Check for license: Contractors should have a license as a proof of compliance that they would work in accordance with the industry standards. Besides, license is only given to experienced professionals. So checking for one will ensure that your technician has a reliable working system in place.


  • Ask for references: Ask about their previous customers to know how many they have serviced in the past and how satisfactorily.


  • Ask for quotes: Take quotes from at least 5-7 service providers before hiring them. This will give you an idea about the ongoing market rate and help you make an informed choice when you are hiring a technician for your AC’s upkeep. You should also check what each of them are providing in a certain price.


  • Ask about the service guarantees: The best companies will back-up their work with service guarantees that demonstrate confidence that the repair job will be performed properly.


Now that you know how and when to call a service expert, you need to educate yourself about these things so that you can know exactly what the technician is doing when you call them. Seeing that you are well-informed about the AC repair will prevent them from overcharging you or trying to upsell a service you didn’t need it in the first place.