Tips For Starting Yoga For The First Time

Tips For Starting Yoga For The First Time

When we hear the word “yoga”, the first things that come to our mind are meditation and stretching. The word itself means “union” in Sanskrit. That means that yoga practitioners, also called yogis, are trying to make a union between their bodies and their souls. Everyone who has ever practiced this type of exercise for both body and mind can confirm the benefits of regularly doing yoga, such as stress reduction, improved posture, relaxed breathing, improved self-esteem, increased energy… These are just some of the things that are going to improve in your life if you decide to try yoga. It doesn’t matter if you are 17 or 70 years old, it doesn’t matter if you have played some sports your whole life, or if you have never run more than one mile. Everyone is welcome to the world of yoga, so here are some tips that you can use if you are a beginner.


Choose the right clothes


Forget about buying some special clothes, and wear something that you already have in your wardrobe but bear in mind that the most important thing is that you feel comfortable enough. Most often, yoga is done barefoot, but if you don’t feel comfortable enough, you can always wear low-cut socks. As far as pants, anything that stretches will do the trick, so don’t wear jeans, for example. Opt-in for shorts or leggings, which are probably the best choice as they will allow you to move freely. Choosing the yoga tank tops or tight t-shirts are better than baggy or loose-fitting t-shirts, as they will slide down while you exercise, so you’ll be unable to concentrate to what you’ve come for in the first place – relax and do yoga. Make sure that all your clothes are made of light, breathable fabrics, that will prevent excessive sweating.


Bring the right equipment


There are just a few things that you need for your first yoga class, besides a good mood and an open mind – a bottle of water, a towel, and a matt. Choose a mat that is not too short, so stretching your whole body feels comfortable enough. You will probably get other necessary equipment from your teacher, such as blankets and straps, but you can always ask in advance whether you should bring that, too. Since you won’t be able to use an ordinary fitness bag to put the matt and other stuff that you bring in, choose a suitable yoga mat bag, that is specially designed so whatever mat you choose fits perfectly, and it also has extra pockets where you can put a bottle of water, towel and other things you need. Besides, you will not have to worry about your car keys or cell phone – that should definitely stay in the dressing room – in silent mode.


Prepare yourself – but don’t exaggerate!


There’s nothing wrong with watching a couple of videos for yoga beginners, so feel free to familiarize yourself with some basic poses and exercises. Pay attention to the instructor’s alignment and posture. It’s easier to take a better look while you’re watching a video, as you can always go back to the part that looks difficult and if you want to double-check whether you are doing something right. It would also be great if you can look-up for some basic yogi terms, so you already know what the instructor is talking about in your very first class. Yoga is all about breathing, so you can also search for some breathing exercises and try them at home. You can do all this prior to your first class, but the important thing is that you use this only as a guide and go to your first class relaxed. You don’t have to know everything, and you will certainly improve your skills over time!


Yoga is for everyone


There is no age limit, nor wrong time, and you do not have to be in a top form in order to start doing yoga. Remember that you don’t need to move east and chant in an ashram or have the flexibility of a circus acrobat to do yoga. Always bear in mind that nobody can be bad at yoga. Yoga is about practicing non-attachment, finding your inner peace, and relaxing both your body and mind. It is about learning how to relax, reduce stress, learn how to breathe correctly, and in the end – feel better about yourself. You don’t even have to leave your home if you wish to start doing yoga. Perhaps having a couple of training on your own will help you get the self-esteem you need before joining others. So, use the magic of the Internet and find some beginner videos, and do yoga from the comfort of your own home.


Schedule your meals


It may sound funny, but it’s like any other sport. You know that swimming after having a big steak and fries is not a good idea, and it is the same when it comes to yoga. It maybe looks easier than a regular workout or training in a gym, because there is no bouncing or running, but trying to do yoga on a full stomach will not feel good. Besides losing energy as your body will need to work on digesting the food, you will not feel light enough, and perhaps some poses will be more challenging than they would normally be. It is recommended that you eat at least one hour before your training, and it’s best to choose some light food, such as salads, chicken or fish.


Hopefully, these tips will help you prepare for your first yoga class, and help you realize that there is nothing to be intimidated of, as yoga is exactly about making people feel better about themselves, it doesn’t judge anyone, and it helps us find what’s best in us. You will definitely not regret trying it, and soon you will start to feel all the good things that yoga brings to our lives, both physically and mentally. Who knows, perhaps you will fall in love with yoga as many people do and become a yogini yourself! You never know.