Top 5 Best Web Development Languages to use in 2021

Top 5 Best Web Development Languages to use in 2021

Every programming language is distinct, and its way of development is different as well. New technological trends always follow our steps, but it is users who decide what is popular for now. The pandemic has accelerated IT transformation trends, making the ‘new normal’ our digital realm. And therefore, to stay competitive in the marketplace, IT organizations should rapidly adapt and respond to sudden disruptions. To stay up-to-date with new trends of the future, keep reading to explore the top 5 best web development languages in 2021.


Top Programming Languages to Shape Web Development in 2021


1. JavaScript


JavaScript is a web programming language that is widely used in front-end and backend development. Moreover, it is a basic programming language used in web frameworks including React, Node, and Vue. According to the 2020 Developer survey, 67% of developers use JavaScript in web development.. It is applied in game development as well. That is why it is one of the most popular programming languages in the world.


JavaScript has a flexible syntax that makes the programming process easier. Also, it has a very smooth learning curve and attracts a great number of learners. Armed with a great number of functional features and countless libraries, JavaScript allows development teams to build and design the websites according to their functions and also adds elements to make them complete and user-friendly.


2. Python


According to the 2020 Developer survey, Python is one of the most favorite languages among programmers. 44% of tech specialists prefer using Python while coding. Being a back-end web development language with a strong typing feature and clear and straightforward syntax, Python speeds up the collection of data and a combination of relevant databases. Software engineers frequently utilize it to build a wide range of web solutions as  it can be applied in various industries, including banking, insurance, retail, finance, healthcare, etc.


In addition to that, Python supports many libraries and tools and attracts many beginners to start their careers in programming in terms of its steep learning curve. The Django framework written in Python is popular to learn, which makes it one of the best choices in programming. With that in mind,  it seems that Python will not slow down its growth; it will only have an increasing demand.


3. TypeScript


TypeScript is an extension of JavaScript. TypeScript allows you to write readable code and find errors during the development stage. With the TypeScript compiler, software engineers  can write less error-prone code. Moreover, this feature helps them decrease the number of errors and validates that their code works correctly.


The main reason for choosing TypeScript is that it is type-safe in Javascript code, as you can find the errors and bugs in the development stage. This language is easy to learn because it is well-structured. Also, it describes code components enabling engineers with a friendly interface to catch errors.


While building large and sophisticated web solutions, using TypeScript positively impacts on writing and maintaining code. Companies like Medium, Accenture, and Slack are already using this programming language in their working processes.


4. PHP


PHP programming language was created to keep the personal page but then was used to maintain other websites. It is a backend scripting programming language. Yahoo and Facebook use PHP to develop and maintain their web pages. PHP has grown in popularity because many websites still opt for PHP as their programming base. Even though a lot of software developers criticize PHP, it is still going to be strong. This programming language helps to develop server-side apps and supports plenty of frameworks, including Laravel.


Software engineers prefer the language because it is easy to learn and fast to discover new features. PHP has many open sources and learning materials to explore and advance   knowledge. Although the language is still strong in its programming usage, it is slowly starting to become out-of-date — it has weak typing and lacks error handling  that can lead to unpredicted outcomes.


5. Ruby


Ruby has a powerful community attracting many new learners of the language. It has a straightforward syntax and simple frameworks to achieve programming accuracy. Ruby is a popular programming language in web development. For example, the most popular marketplaces such as Airbnb, Fiverr and Couchsurfing have been created with Ruby.


Developers use the Ruby language in both frontend and backend processes and prefer it in terms of its simplicity and steep learning curve. The elegance of Ruby is obvious because it is almost written in English. Dynamic typing is the key feature of Ruby. Also, it provides efficient and clear code that ensures high quality and makes Ruby one of the most demanding development languages in 2021.


Bottom Line


There are tons of programming languages for web development. The programming languages described above create the global tech environment in 2021. Software engineers use the powerful features of each of them for building rich and interactive web solutions. Companies and enterprises make their decisions taking into account their business needs and users’ requests. A high demand for web solutions in various industries makes web development one of the most challenging and thriving niches in 2021.


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