Top 5 Supplements That Keep Me Healthy While Traveling

Top 5 Supplements That Keep Me Healthy While Traveling

There are a few different supplements that can keep you healthy while traveling. They are a definite must have. Taking these supplements will help in keeping your body and mind on track. This is good for when you get back home from traveling you won’t have to readjust. Traveling can take a toll on your body so bringing a few supplements along the way can be of great assistance especially if you plan on being gone for some time.


Even though your body already produces melatonin to help with your sleep cycle it is a must have. It helps especially when you have entered a different time zone. Your biological time clock will stay intact. 2 or 3 milligrams to start off is great just a half an hour before you go to bed. There are very mild side effects associated with taking melatonin so be careful. You can help relax your body by reading a book before bedtime. Taking a bath can also help.




Probiotics are also a must have when traveling. Probiotics can be of great assistance especially when you are introducing new foods to your digestive tract. To avoid putting your digestive tract through trauma, you should consider taking probiotics daily about two days prior to traveling.


If you end up getting diarrhea while you are gone, make sure to continue taking them up to 2 weeks afterwards. The most effective probiotics contain at least 5 billion units. Probiotics will also help in boosting your immune system. These are great for traveling since you can encounter many different things.


These also aid in helping with bloating and constipation. They are perfect for new foods you may eat on your trip. Though probiotics may not entirely prevent you from having the runs, they can help reduce the severity of it.


This also depends on how soon prior to traveling you begin taking the probiotics. Taking them as early as possible before traveling will make a world of a difference.




Turmeric is another supplement that you should make sure you take when traveling. It acts like an all in one supplement since it can help with anxiety, arthritis, inflammation, and even metabolic conditions. Some people get anxious for a variety of reasons when traveling even when they encounter flying.


This can help. Your body can probably benefit from a bit of boost from turmeric. You can take anywhere from 500-2000mg daily while you are on vacation. Once you arrive back home, you can switch back to a much lower dosage.


Some people decide to stop taking it completely once they arrive home. That is a personal decision as taking it for a long period of time can lead to health conditions. However, taking it alone during travel is safe. This is probably the most effective and safest remedy to use than prescribed methods that can come from your doctor as they can bring unwanted and unpleasant side effects.




Magnesium is another must have when traveling. It offers a variety of great health benefits. It works for muscle relaxation, energy, and keeps the nervous system regular. You don’t exactly need to take magnesium supplements to get the actual vitamin.


You can find magnesium in different foods such as: almonds, beans, pumpkin seeds, and avocado. To make sure you are getting enough magnesium to reap the full benefits, consider taking about 310 to 320 mg daily for women and 400 to 420 mg daily for men.


It is still possible to get enough of this vitamin from eating certain foods but you will have to pay special attention that you are getting the proper amount. Make sure that you choose a magnesium supplement that your body can absorb easily and make sure that you take it every day.


You can also choose to continue taking it when you return home from traveling. There are no known long-term health conditions associated with taking magnesium supplements. You just need to make sure that you consult your doctor.


B vitamins


B vitamins are a must have in your suitcase when traveling. Your energy can take a big hit when doing a lot of traveling, but B vitamins can help in keeping your energy levels up. B vitamins are known to turn food into glucose.


This in turn gives you all the energy needed for adventuring on your vacation. Most people have a B vitamin deficiency and don’t even know it. They may experience fatigue and other symptoms but won’t know until they have had a blood test. Eating well can be a great supplement for taking B vitamins. However, you can take one daily if you need the extra boost.




Maybe you want to build muscle. You can order lgd 4033 capsules from swoleaflabs LGD-4033 Ligandrol which is a type of SARMS and is taken to increase muscle mass. You can even consider taking GW501516 Cardarine which has benefits for both the heart and diabetes.


If you need to know when to take SARMS, you should consider taking it once in the morning and once in the afternoon. This is a must to make sure you have enough supply in the body prior to working out.


You can decide which form is best for you when it comes to SARMs capsules vs SARMs liquids. SARMs does start off as a liquid and then can be turned into powdered form. However, the great thing to note is that they are effective equally.


As with all supplements, you should always be careful when you are taking LGD-4033 Ligandrol or GW501516 Cardarine. This also goes for turmeric, melatonin, B vitamins, and magnesium. Knowing when to take SARMS will make for more knowledge in the world of exercising. There is no difference in the effectiveness for SARMs capsules vs SARMs liquids.


Prior to traveling it’s good to make sure that you consult with your doctor to make sure that they are indeed safe to take. There have not been any known health connections in taking these supplements.