What To Do If Your Fridge Stops Working?

What To Do If Your Fridge Stops Working?

You can deal with a lot of problems around the house yourself, but when it comes to home appliances, you may not have the knowledge or tools required to fix them. That’s where we come in! We’ve put together this list of common issues with fridges and what you should do if they happen to you.


Check the power supply


If your fridge isn’t working, the first thing to do is check that the power supply is on at all. If your circuit breaker has tripped, wait a few minutes and try again. If it trips again, call an electrician.


If everything seems to be working fine but your fridge still isn’t cooling, then there could be something wrong with its motor or compressor–or maybe even with the thermostat itself! In these instances, it might be best to contact an appliance repairman instead of attempting any DIY fixes yourself (unless you’re super handy).


Check the fuses


If the fuse is blown, replace it with one of the correct rating. If this doesn’t solve your problem, there may be an issue with your circuit board or wiring that needs to be checked by a professional.


Check for loose connections at each end of the wire leading from your refrigerator to its power source; these can cause electrical arcing and blow fuses over time.


Check the circuit breaker or fuse box


If your refrigerator isn’t working, you may have tripped the circuit breaker or blown a fuse. To check for this problem, first make sure all other electrical devices in your home are turned off. Then go to your circuit breaker box and turn on one switch at a time until you find out which one is causing the problem. If it doesn’t work after turning on another switch, look for another breaker or fuse that could be tripped (or blown).


If you can’t find any tripped breakers or fuses, call an electrician immediately because there could be damage somewhere else in your home’s wiring system that isn’t visible from where you are standing now.


Replace the thermostat if needed (check your manufacturer’s manual)


If your refrigerator isn’t cooling, it’s possible that the thermostat is broken. To replace it, check your manufacturer’s manual for instructions on how to do so. If you don’t have a manual and aren’t sure how to replace the thermostat yourself, call a professional who can help determine if this is indeed the problem and help with replacing it if needed.


If you have access to an old or new one (if yours broke), compare them side by side: they should look very similar but not identical; they may even be made by different companies altogether!


Check that the vents in the bottom of the fridge aren’t blocked


If you have a fridge or freezer with a bottom vent, it’s important to check that it’s not blocked. The vent helps cool air flow through the appliance and into your kitchen. If you notice that the vents are blocked by dust or dirt, remove them and clean them with a vacuum cleaner brush attachment or compressed air.


If cleaning doesn’t clear up the problem with your appliance’s temperature control system, then there may be something else wrong with your fridge–it might need new Samsung fridge parts! This fault is not difficult to fix, if you have experience. If you’re not sure, it’s best to get a handyman to do it for you.


Check that there’s no ice build up in your freezer or fridge


If your fridge isn’t working, check for ice build up. Ice can cause the refrigerator to stop working properly and should be removed before you try to use it again.


To check for ice, open the freezer door and look inside. If there is any ice in the back of your freezer or around the sides of your fridge compartment, remove it with either a spatula or broom handle (to avoid damaging any surfaces). If you can’t remove all of this frozen water from inside your appliance by hand–or if there’s too much for you to do alone–turn off power supply at its source and wait until everything thaws out naturally (this may take several hours).


It’s possible to fix your own home appliances


It’s possible to fix your own home appliances. You can save money by doing it yourself, and you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing that you saved yourself from having to deal with an expensive repairman. Plus, if you’re handy and know how things work, it might be fun!


If this sounds like something that would interest you, here’s what we recommend:


  • Read up on the problem online before attempting any repairs yourself. It will give you an idea of what might be wrong with your appliance and what steps should be taken next (if any).


  • Find out if there are any common problems with this type of appliance so that when they happen again in the future, they won’t catch anyone off guard–including yourself!


Hopefully, this article has given you some helpful tips on what to do if your fridge stops working. If it’s still not working after trying all of these things, then it might be time to call in a professional.