10 Ways to Detoxify Your Body

10 Ways to Detoxify Your Body

Detoxification is the process of removing toxins from your body. Unfortunately, it doesn’t happen naturally because our bodies aren’t equipped with the necessary organs to remove these harmful substances on their own. We have to help them out by giving them a little push in the right direction. There are many ways you can detoxify and cleanse your body including juice fasts, smoothie cleanses, or simply drinking more water and eating less food for a few days or even with the help of an Alcohol Rehab center. The best part about all of these methods is that they only take about three days to complete so you don’t need much time at all!


  1. Detoxifying your body with yoga and meditation


Yoga and meditation can also be used to detoxify the body. There are many poses that involve holding in our breath for an extended period of time or performing a breathing exercise while focusing on emptying out the mind. This not only helps to cleanse the lungs, but it also nourishes and balances our nervous system by increasing the oxygen intake, purges toxins from the intestines through bowel movements, and cleanses the blood. Yoga and meditation can also prevent the future accumulation of toxins in the muscles and joints. Practicing these two things daily can be an incredibly effective way of detoxifying your body.


  1. Detoxifying your body with food like a clean diet


There are other ways to detoxify your body without damaging your health. For instance, if you want to lose weight and cleanse your system at the same time, consider a raw food diet. This diet contains foods like fresh organic vegetables and fruit which are low in calories but high in essential nutrients and minerals which will keep both your appetite in check and your body running like new. Fruits and veggies are also great sources of fiber which is important for the digestive system. You can also boil things into a soup such as vegetables to eat them without having to chew so much and give your digestive system more rest over time.


  1. Detoxifying your body with sleep


Not all detoxification is physical in nature. Oftentimes, one of the best ways you can detoxify your body is by giving it a good night’s sleep. Not only will this help to ensure that your mind and body are rested and ready to face the day but it will also renew every cell in your body so you are better equipped to release toxins. Good sleep is not just essential for your beauty rest but also your internal system health! Sleeping 8 hours every night is a good way to begin.


  1. Detoxifying your body with water


It is also important to keep your body hydrated. Drinking fluids like water helps to flush out toxins from your cells and get them flowing through your system so they can be eliminated and not stored in any one place. You should drink 3-4 liters of water a day for normal detoxification but you may need to consume more if you are trying a juice fast or cleanse as those methods may deplete the water content in your body. Water itself is a detoxifying agent but remember to drink pure water and avoid drinking too much caffeine as this can dehydrate your body even more.


  1. Detoxifying your body with probiotics and other natural supplements


Not everyone can afford to eat organic food all the time so one of the easiest ways to detoxify your body through food is by taking a probiotic supplement. Adding in these supplements, whether they are pills or powder form, can help to balance out the bacteria in your stomach so that you can absorb and digest more nutrients from the food you eat. This will not only help to keep your digestive system running smoothly but it will also give you additional energy that could potentially make you even more productive with your time!


  1. Write about detoxifying your body with saunas


Saunas are another great way to get rid of toxins and they work by heating your body up to a really high temperature which causes you to sweat. Just like the steam in a sauna, this sweat will be carrying all those nasty toxins as well. In addition, it helps your body release heat which can help to regulate your temperature while you are getting rid of the bad stuff at the same time.


The downside is that saunas can be harmful to people with certain health conditions or injuries like low blood pressure or heart problems so it’s important to make sure you don’t use them if you have any underlying conditions before giving them a try yourself.


  1. Juicing for detoxification


Juicing is also a great way to detox. Fresh, raw, juice contains tons of vitamins and minerals. Consuming them in raw form is the best because they are easier for the body to absorb. When you consume them this way, your body can extract more nutrients that it needs from vegetables than when you have fried or boiled vegetables. Juicing is even better for the human body because of the enzymes present in raw fruits and vegetables that aid digestion and absorption of food. Juicing is a way to enjoy fruit and vegetables while releasing toxins from the system. Juices like fresh carrot, kale, apple, and ginger are all super easy to make on your own.


  1. Fasting to detoxify the body


Fasting is a time-honored tradition in many religions and cultures including Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. Time-limited fasting is used to “clear” the stomach of old or rotting food that could be causing digestive problems as well as for spiritual purposes. There are three types of fasts: water, juice, and dry. Water fast provides only water. A juice fast provides only fruit juice to provide both sugars (which cannot be obtained from just eating fruits alone) and liquids. Dry fasting means not consuming any food at all but drinking plenty of fluids (not just water). Fasting is a great way to detoxify the body.


  1. Holistic medicine to remove toxins from the body


Holistic medicine is a form of medical practice that focuses on the whole person rather than just their symptoms. One of the goals of holistic medicine is to help people remove toxins from their bodies naturally. It does not require people to rely on medication as much as traditional western medicine and can help heal your body from the inside out which is a great way to detoxify yourself without having to take supplements or change your diet drastically.


The main drawback of holistic medicine is that it can be more expensive than traditional western medicine and many insurance companies don’t cover the cost of a visit to a holistic doctor. However, if you are looking for alternative methods of detoxifying your body or treating an illness like cancer or Lyme disease, this might be the right choice for you.


  1. Aromatherapy to effectively release toxins from the body


Aromatherapy is used to release toxins from the body by inhaling different essential oils. The oils are sprayed on your skin and then inhaled through the nose. It can help with anxiety levels, focus, and sleep quality. Some essential oils are also known as pesticides which can be used for disinfecting surfaces in your home. The downside of aromatherapy is that it can be dangerous if you use too much of the essential oil or choose an oil that you are allergic to. It’s important to always do a patch test before using any oils on your skin and to consult with your doctor if you have any existing conditions, allergies, or other medications because essential oils can interact with other medications you might be taking.


As you can see, there are a variety of ways that we all need to detoxify our bodies from time to time. Whether it’s fasting for spiritual purposes or juicing for an immediate influx of vitamins and minerals, the human body needs help in order to stay healthy and vital. When your organs feel congested due to toxins collected after too much food and drink consumed over the course of a day, these techniques will come in handy.  Whether you’re looking for natural remedies or more traditional methods like water fasts or fasting; one thing is certain-we should never underestimate how important it is to take care of ourselves by staying hydrated while releasing harmful substances from our systems through various means such as yoga, clean diet, sleep, water, probiotics, saunas, juice fasting, holistic medicine and aromatherapy detox. After all, we wouldn’t want all that poison to just sit there, would we?




Sarah Brooks is a health and nutrition writer, speaker, and consultant. She is currently working with Umatter.care, one of the leading Alcohol Rehab centers in Canada, to help people find their way back to wellness after addiction.


In her spare time she enjoys cooking scrumptious meals for friends and family as well as writing about issues related to food addiction, weight loss, fitness and lifestyle changes.