Mental and Physical Benefits of a Clean Home

Mental and Physical Benefits of a Clean Home

A clean living environment is one of the precursors of a healthy life. Just like personal hygiene is important for a healthy life so is the hygiene of our homes.


A clean and germ-free home can benefit you in many ways, including the most important way – our psychological and physical health. Just think about it, walking into a messy home after a long day at work – how does that feel like? Stressful, doesn’t it?


A messy and untidy home can negatively affect both our mental and physical health. Let’s see how can we benefit from a clean and organized home.


1. Fewer germs


The most obvious benefit is that a cleaner home means fewer germs and bacteria. Keeping things clean in your home, gives you peace of mind because you know for sure that you did everything you could to keep germs, bacteria, and viruses from spreading in your home.


Regularly disinfecting and sanitizing surfaces in your home such as floors, door handles, kitchen counters, bathrooms, and so on, prevents bacteria, viruses, and germs from populating your home. Fewer of these germs means a healthier living environment and fewer illnesses in your family.


2. No danger of pests


Pest infestations are the worst possible thing that can happen to any home. It’s common knowledge that pests thrive in a dirty and messy environment and if they thrive that’s bad news for you and your home.


Pests can not only be a health hazard but they can also destroy your property. Pests such as termites, bed bugs, rats and mice, roaches, in addition to spreading serious illnesses can also cause damage to your property and rather quickly.


So, to prevent the spread and thriving of these pests, all you have to do is clean your home regularly and thoroughly. A clean environment is what will drive them away from your home.


3. Fewer allergies


A clean home also means fewer allergies. A dirty and dusty environment can be the reason your allergies are going wild. Dust allergies cause sneezing, stuffy or runny noses, red and itchy eyes. Mold is also one of the reasons why you may be allergic in your own home. Pet dander and other pests we mentioned above can also be allergens.


All these are called environmental allergies and can be simply beaten by cleaning your home and keeping it maintained. Dust and pet dander are disposed of with simple vacuuming and dusting, and you can find that different kinds of bleach solutions can successfully deal with mold.


If you can’t spare enough time to do all the cleaning yourself, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Hire professional house cleaning services where you can customize the cleaning service according to the size of your home. With professional help, you won’t have to worry about allergies anymore.


4. Improved physical activity


Cleaning and doing house chores every day for at least 30 minutes counts as physical activity. So, if you’re not a fan of gyms and you’re not doing much exercise, home cleaning can be your daily dose of workout.


Make a daily schedule where you’ll fit at least 30 minutes of cleaning – when cleaning home, you don’t need to clean everything at once. Each day spear a bit of time to clean a kitchen, a bathroom, vacuum a living room, reorganize closets, and do other similar activities.


Each of these activities will count as a workout. And a regular workout is a great way to keep healthy and fit. Any sort of exercise or physical activity reduces stress, boosts mood and energy, improves memory among other equally important health benefits.


5. Increased productivity and mental health


The shape and state of your home also affect your mental health. A messy and cluttered home only adds to your stress, anxiety, and it negatively affects your productivity. That’s precisely why you need to keep your home maintained and clutter-free.


A clean and mess-free home boosts mood and energy levels, has a significant effect on your behavior, and keeps depression at bay. If all these are the benefits of keeping your home clean and clutter-free, isn’t it worth giving regular cleaning a try?


6. Improved sleep quality


One of the most important parts of a healthy life is sleep quality. Getting a good night’s sleep has countless health benefits such as an improved immune system, and reduced stress levels to name a few. However, the lack of sleep quality is what many people suffer from and they don’t even know what’s the cause.


And the cause may be the untidy and cluttered home. When the home is messy and disorganized, our brains work overtime to find ways to clear up the mess and rearrange the house. To settle down your brain enough to get a good night’s sleep, all you have to do is clean and de-clutter your home.


It’s also good to mention that cleaning your home will improve air quality, which is also a great way to improve sleep quality.


7. Reduced safety hazards


A dirty and disorganized home can also be a safety hazard, especially if you have children. In a cluttered home, there’s a risk of trips and falls. To avoid breaking your leg or something worse, make sure everything has its place, that there is no mess on the floors, there are no knives or other dangerous items on the kitchen countertops, that floors are dry and similar things.


Less clutter means fewer chances of safety hazards.


A messy and dirty home is not only unsightly but very dangerous and unhealthy. To make sure that your home is always clean and organized, you don’t need to break your back scrubbing, dusting, and cleaning every day. All you need to do is make a flexible cleaning schedule that will allow you to do a bit of cleaning and organizing every day.


A clean living environment is crucial for our health, both mental and physical. Maintaining a clean home can save us a lot of money and headaches as well, so why not try to keep everything as clean as possible.